Stock Size


New member
Does anyone know the stock LOP, comb, and heel measurements of the 870 with a a factory stock?

I looked online and all I can find is the collapsing stocks or youth models...

Thank you
Drummer101, I share in your frustration. Listing stock dimensions seems to be something lost in the past. I was looking for a new rifle stock the other day, and it's like the dimensions are top secret, very few dimensions were shared.
The CZ ringneck or hammer classic has caught my eye and I just want to compair it to something that fits me okay...

Still trying to sell that 3901 :rolleyes: It does not fit me and I can't find those dimensions either.
with a yardstick and a ruler you can determine your 3901 dimensions. You are trying to compare a pump gun dimensions to a side by side - that may not work out exactly the same. Just differing the radius of the grip, can make a huge difference in the LOP that feels comfortable to you.
In comparing the wingmaster it is just about the same with a slightly longer length of poll (which would be a good thing for me and slightly more drop which I would also like).