Still lots of Colts. Why?


New member
Hmmm...with the announcement recently made by Colt, I kind of figured folks would snap them up. Not so. My local dealers still have Colt 1911's on their shelves. In fact, one of their distributors has 30 Pocket Nines, 26 Blued Gold Cups, 4 Stainless Gold Cups, 18 Officer's, etc. why aren't people buying them? As a spin off from another thread, wouldn't one think Colt pistols NIB will appreciate in the coming years? If a guy wanted to speculate on a future collector's item, which one would you get?
The hell with Colt. Why give my hard earned money to someone who doesn't give a *&$) about me? All Colt wants to do is make money. And they think they can do it on military and SAA's alone. Well let them.
Just a guess but, I'd say the distributor still has plenty because nobody's buying. Colts terrible quality control over the last few years is a major reason for their downfall. The new guns stink. I happen to like Colts, but I only buy older used ones.
I have my Dad's WW2 issue 1911...a fine piece and used for its purpose by him so its even better. Colt wants to sell off it's heritage, vaya con long as I can get parts, I have the best Colt ever made. Too bad, though, generational loyalty is a powerful concept but it only works if both parties believe in it. Colt doesn't...hasta la byebye

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
i was talking to my shop today and the owner told me he got in a colt last month with no front sight. It wasn't even in the box...

I like Colts too. But the company is going downhill both profit-wise and quality wise.

They are going to stop manufacturing some of their handguns- the smaller and more labor intensive ones. In short, we're not going to miss much. They want to concentrate on the "smart gun" technology pipedream pistol.

However, they will continue to make the O Frames and SAAs as well as the AR series and the new Colt Light Rifle based on the Ultra Light Arms design...
Went into a shop today - Colt pistols are now about $50 bucks MORE than they were 2 weeks ago - one was about $100 more. If you WANT a Colt - I would go buy it NOW.

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!
Nuts. Is it too late to get a Colt Gattling gun - the police model of course?!

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Dr. Rob,
The Magnum carry seems to suffer the same quality control problem I refered to earlier. When it first came out, the Colt factory rep was gonna demonstrate it for me at the DU Outdoor Festival. Every shot fired tied up the gun! It was shoot one, fight the cylinder open, pry out jammed cartridge case, shoot again and repeat.
Now, I dearly love the Detective Special, but it seems the D-frame colt doesn't like the .357 mag.
This is just the sort of thing that has gotten Colt into its current situation.
I wonder if Colt has done any marketing studies on their smart gun tech? Don't know about everyone else, but I would not purchase a gun with it. I can think of to many instances and situations where I may want someone else to shoot it. Herego, I think they are either using it as public relations or they are making another blunder and will suffer financially for it.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.

I read somewhere that Colt had research
that many more people would buy a handgun
if they thought it was "safer".

I don't remember the source - it could have been in a Colt blurb. While this might be
the case for some - the risk is that such
technology would be mandated for all guns
by the government. That's what Colt was
shooting for as they feel they have
a jump on this market IMHO.

If such a law is passed make sure that it
mandates that all law enforcement, including
the Secret Service, immediately switch to
Colt Smart Guns. After two years of testing,
then offer them to the public. Let's see
if the political cop organizations like that.
They are the ones who oppose CCW and reciprocity (although we hear of the rank
and file in some cases supporting the RKBA).

Thus, public will be safer if the police,
skilled in firearms usage, and those who
protect the US Govt. test the Colt smart
for us.

This is my modest proposal :)

I also remember reading somewhere that Colt did conduct a study concerning the market potential of their "smart gun".
They supposedly found that there was very strong interest in this product from people who presently did not own guns, with possible sales numbering in the 10's of millions.
The irony here is that for many of the anti's who thought that demanding these "smart guns" would legally reduce the number of guns and gun owners, the opposite seems to be the case. If these studies are true, then there would be millions more gun owners for them to fret about.
First officer involved death because of a malfunctioning smart gun will pay out handsomely in a suit brought by the widow[er].

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
As far as the price of Colts is concerned, my dealer immediately tacked on an extra 6%--even on guns he received before Colt announced the price increase! When several of us customers grumbled about this, he just said that his distributor was doing the same thing, and that he was in business to make money. Anyway, this particular dealer is having a lot more trouble getting Colts than selling them. His distributor had 27 in stock before Colt's announcement. A day later, only three were left.

BTW, Colt's has had as many ups as downs, so I wouldn't be surprised if it expanded its handgun line again after some future management change.