Still in shock


New member
Did anybody catch the pro second amendment news blurb on Fox news at 7 tonight. It was actually pro second amendment, repeated the alleged statement about gun control from Adolf Hitler and actually gave examples of countries that had gun confiscation, Soviet Union, Cambodia, Kosovo. Actually explained that the American Revolution was an example of Govt Authority overthrown by Arms.

Sorry for the rambling but I was typing while it was on and had to stop and listen. It was totally pro gun, even had Moses er Charlton Heston giving one of his speeches at the end.

All this on a National news network!!!

Somebody else tell me I was not Halucinating.
Anyone who can get the FOX network, the news report is being repeated on the 11PM news.

The report is definitely pro gun, although the two experts interviewed after the report were a bust. The anti gun interviewee is NY Rep Wiener (honest that is his name).
That is great.

Let's keep this post in mind the next time someone starts a thread about the "100% completely anti-gun media" or mentions off the cuff or in a rant that the media never represents our views....

It's not all bad!


Okay, how 'bout 99.9999%?

Not to embarass you, Rob, ( ;)) but remember when you blithered on about not seeing any mention of new gun control measures in the first week after Columbine? You tried to be soooo optimistic! Remember that? Remember? Shheeeeshh! Wow, were you ever way off base on that one, my friend. You must be some kind of closet romantic or something. Yuck!

Oh, I know, I know... it was temporary insanity...


That was fun.

But ANYWAY... How marginal does something need to be in order to be considered statistically zero? That's us in the national media. Statistical Zeros.

The important thing is, how do we get this kind of message repeated? And repeated? And repeated?

Maybe Fox is a viable outlet for our message. Seems more likely than the Big Three, anyway. Would the NRA, by waving OUR money under the noses of the Fox Network brass, be able to exploit this medium?

I believe, and as has been said many times before, swaying public opinion is our most crucial fight. The politicos shift their supposed "values" to where ever the most votes are, and then legislate accordingly (read: BADLY).

If the people believe what they see on TV, and vote thusly, then we should pour our resources into any cracks in the mainstream media bias. Force the friggin' thing wide open!

Time to write to the NRA.

Now look who's being optimistic! ;)

Yeah, I was hoping against hope for a sane reaction to Columbine.

I sill say that outside of the US Sentate, we have seen a pretty moderate reaction to Columbine. I have seen dozens of reports on the various channels about the parents and friends of victims who refuse to let guns be the scapegoat for the incident.

Also, while we ar reminiscing about previous posts, I also have been talking a bit about how much I was starting to like Fox's news coverage ;).