stiff hammer on model 78


New member
I have a Browning B78 single shot in 30-06--This one was made in Japan---I've had it for about five years or so and thought it would be easier to cock the hammer by hand as the gun breaks in, but it is still extremely stiff---do any of you out there have this model and have the same issue?

Aside from that, the gun is beautiful and accurate---easy to cock with the lever, shoots normally ---- just very hard to lower the hammer by hand or cock it by hand--- are there any adjustments that can be made or possibly a spring replaced that could make this work easier ? Thanks for any info ---- John
The Browning 78 has one of the most complicated trigger systems ever made. The contrast between it and JM Browning's original 2 piece design is breathtaking. I can only suggest a couple of drops of oil in case something needs lubing.

If you find a gunsmith who can fix these triggers let me know.