Sticky for powder coating?


New member
Why no sticky thread for the powder coating process? Seems that it would be helpful for those of us who may be interested in switching from tradional lube/size to powder coating.

1. Where to get the powder.
2. How applied.
3. How hot, how long to bake.
4. When to size.
I think that part of the difficulty with a "how to" powdercoating sticky, is that almost everybody does it a little bit differently. Some use electrostatic spraying, some tumble dry, some tumble wet, some shake, some vibrate, and some use combinations of those. And people like different powders and bake for different times and temps, and bake in different kinds of ovens and use different surfaces to bake on (trays, nail beds, foils, parchment, silicone, wires, ....). There is just no one way to do it. :cool:
Yeah, just join up at Cast Boolits. You'll learn far more there about bullet casting, powdercoating, and all things reloading that you'll ever dream possible.

The more gun related forums you hang out at, the more you can learn and be exposed to. Not to mention the goodies people are selling at every forum!

Makes all us other forum addicts feel better too!