Stick Fighters?

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I amnot sure if this has been discussed here in the past, so here goes. Does a "stick fighting" class exist for the public in most places? About the only think that has been keeping me from getting an ASP is that I am not trained in their use. Although they are a very useful defense tool, they aren't much in unskilled hands. Any ideas on this?

Are there any Filipino Martial Arts Schools in you area? I study Kali, serrada escrima, and Silat. All three of these arts concentrate on sticks, or batons from the earliest stages of training. I have found that not only do I feel incredibly confident with my ASP, but this training also applies to open hands, or unarmed combat. FMA is the way to go IMHO.
Full-contact stick-fighting:

In addition to the Filipino Martial Arts, some areas have ASP training that is open to the public. Call some of your local CCW instructors -- they'll probably be able to get you the ASP information you need.

If you're in Texas, danse savate schools teach la canne and la baton techniques.

Check into your local Western Martial Arts associations -- stick-fighting has a long and honorable history in Europe.
