STI EDGE .40S&W FIRST LOOK. (lots of pics)


New member
Hey all, Goodspeed here. I wanted to share with you my most recent experience with the STI EDGE. I have a write up at my home site . You can access the article directly by klicking this link.

The website has a Pirate theme so feel free to Raid, Plunder and Pillage what ye can while ye be there. Yaaarrrggghhh!! :D

Hope to see some of you come over and visit. And iffin you do, tell 'em Goodspeed sent ya. Free prizes for everyone that does. (shameless plug) :)

Thanks for the interest. -Goodspeed
Think you could post pics here? It's like a wild goose chase,lol.

Hey GojuBrian, thanks for the interest. Please understand that I am under contract with and have signed a "no compete" agreement. Every time I break this agreement they, the great Pirate Powers that be, torture a kitten and send hate mail to Chuck Norris with my name and address on it. :eek: We can't have that now. Can we?
Hey guys, thanks for all the looks so far. Just a note for those that have contacted me regarding not being able to see the pics. You have to sign up over at and log in (just like here at TFL, that's kinda the whole point) in order to see the pics. Thanks again for all the interest and feedback thus far. -Goodspeed :)