STI 1911's? Need opinions?


I was in my local gun shop the other day & looked at a STI 1911 Trojan.I compared it to a couple of Kimbers. The STI felt tighter & the fit & finish was excellant.This gun's overall impression was great in my hand.

It was only a couple of hundred more then the Kimber,it seemed like a excellant gun for the price.

I called STI & they said I could expect 1 1/2in groups or less at 25yds.

I sure would appreciate feedback from guys or gals who have owned & shot a STI & what your impressions are their pistols. Thanks
Hit-em, I have also been looking at this gun. What was the price in your shop? Be sure to give us the details if/when you purchase it. Thanks.

My LEO buddy flew up to the factory and bought a Trojan out of the shop. Can not take the smile off his face. Am planning a trip to the factory next week myself. He told me the whole thing is computer controlled and milled to extremely tight tolerances, then hand fit and test fired for reliabilty and function. He told me what he paid, but I do not remember precisely. I want to say it was right around $950 ttl.

[This message has been edited by ak9 (edited January 08, 2000).]
AK-9,Has your buddy had a chance to shoot the STI Trojan yet I'd be real curious as to how it performs.The one I looked at was about the same price $950 & if it shoots & performs as well as STI claims it's a steal.This gun is buttery smooth & the fit & finish is great. I got a feeling that I going to find myself Monday morning with a new STI in my hands heading out to the range feeling like a kid who can't wait to try out his new toy.COME ON MONDAY
Shoots cloverleafs at 15 yds. off hand for him. Me, I can't focus that far so had to settle for 10 yds. A steal! One tight pistol in more ways then one. Had trouble getting it apart.
All the STI guns are tight. They happen to be just up the road from me. I have been having some problems with the LS-40 I picked up last year. Combat Handguns just did a review on its big brother the BLS-40. As I read the article I kept saying "I have that problem too" By the end of the article, STI had responded and said they had fixes for all the issues. I dropped them an e-mail and got an immediate response. "Bring it up here. We know the issues and we will fix it."

Drove up and dropped it off. Chris took a look and pointed out several isses in my older version that they have now re-designed. He looked me in the eye and said, "You are basically gonna get a new gun. The slide will be replaced and we have to rebuild this frame. We will put the same barrel and trigger back in. But all the rest will be replaced." WOW! They are all at the SHOT show next week. So they will do the work once they get back. They are also rebuilding all four of my mags.

THAT is customer service, folks. Kimber?? Are you listening????

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper

[This message has been edited by Bubba (edited January 14, 2000).]
Well I did it, I went up first thing Monday morning & bought the STI Trojan.

The first thing I did was strip the gun down to go through it for a cleaning & lube job,plus I always go through the barrel with JB Bore Compound.I do this on all my new firarms,just a habit I've developed over the years.I agree this was'nt the easiest gun to strip,I had to call STI,because the booklet & instructions on field stripping their gun are little vague,but once I got it down it's no big deal.

I just worked up some loads today 200grn SWCL & 4.5 grns V V N310,1.250 OAL.I plan on going to range tomorrow & test out this pistol.

I'll let everyone know the results & how it performs.

Later, Hit-em
Well I went up to the range today to see if the STI Trojan I bought last week would be a pistol I was happy to have in my hand,well I got to tell you it was one of my Good Buys.

I worked up various loads using EE 200 grn SWCL,Win Brass.I worked up loads with Win 231,Tite Grp & V V 310,OAL was 1.250.

It did'nt much care for the Tite Grp Loads,the loads with Win 231 shot about 1 1/2 to 2 1/2" grps depending on charge.

The star of the show was the V V N310 Loads with 4.6 grns I was getting one ragged hole at 25 yds & the recoil seemed very soft which was a pleasant surprise.

All my testing was at 25yds of a rest.I also shot off hand at 15 yds & got a 2" group.

I shot a total of about 100 rds & no malfunctions.

This is a very nice pistol it's performance really made my day.I've got some prescription shooting glasses on order & I'm looking forward to shooting it again with the new glasses.

In my opinion this is a best buy on par with my Wilson. :D