STG58 and Imbel Rec.


New member
I recently received a flyer offering VG STG58 kits. I was thinking of jumping on the bandwagon a picking up a couple of kits for puttiing together a couple of shooters. From what I understand from reading and research these are some of the best kits available. Due to my limited knowledge on this paticular rifle, my question concerns using an Imbel receiver for this project. In the latest issue of Gun List, I see several offerings for Imbel receivers that claim to be for either inch or metric pattern. In the previous issue, these same offerings were for Imbel receivers in inch patterns. Is there something I am missing or can I use an Imbel reeivers on the Austrian STG58 metric kits? Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.

I had always thought that IMBEL receivers were metric receivers. These are the ones made on FN licensed machinery in South America. Either Brazil or Argentina (I cant remember)

Since IMBELS should all be METRIC receivers,they are good to go on an STG parts kit.

PS. Make sure you comply with all the goofy assault rifle legislation and the Import Ban legislation. I know no bayonet lug is pure stupidity but we are dealing with legislative idiots.

Unless they specify otherwise, an Imbel receiver will be in the metric pattern. Imbel is as good as you're going to find in today's market and will be a great foundation for a sturdy FAL. Imbel has made some receivers that will accept inch magazines and other parts, but these are a very small minority.

Pacific Armament Corp(PAC) aka Dealer's Wherehouse is a good place to buy. Also, Federal Arms has some for $240.

[This message has been edited by Destructo6 (edited March 26, 2000).]
I have an Inch pattern Imbel reciever...
Imbel makes one of the best there is.

Jump on up - there is plenty of room right now. The FAL is an outstanding rifle and you will love it. (If its put together right)