Steyr Scout--why is it so expensive


New member
The Steyr Scout was a long time in coming. I'm sure there were alot of development costs particularly since it has many new innovations. However, does that alone explain why it is so costly. Think about it. A custom, essentially handmade, scout cost about same ($2500 +) as a modern factory-production made SS. There isn't even the excuse of expensive wood and checkering. I suspect Steyr made their decision on price based on what they predicted to be the available market. In other words, how many SS customers are there and how much will the market bare. Selling few units with a very hugh markup results in high profits. To sell at a lower margin means many more units in order to make the same profit. They probably did not see the SS as having a very large market. Initially I think this was true. No one I talked to including gun store personnel knew anything about scouts a year ago. Now they do but, lets be frank, the scout is a quantum leap in thinking about what and how a rifle is to be used. Are there really that many people really interested in scouts. This forum may be good example as are others. Many of the participants are very interested in incrediable accuracy and seem to favor varmint/sniper type rifles (except the various semi-autos). A scout will probably not interest them because, at least in my perception, it is a rifle to be carried and shot in hunting conditions--offhand, sitting, prone or whatever rest is available. It probably is not a benchrest rifle which seems to be the major focus in many rifle forums. At the very least it is probably a rifle for gun nuts although it shouldn't be. But perhaps things are changing. I would like a SS but will not pay the high price. I may purchase a Savage Scout depending on feedback from others once it comes out. I think Steyr has missed the boat. The "devoted" will buy a SS no matter the cost but the average guy won't. Maybe they will sell several thousand in the first two years but who knows how many in later years. Think of all the advertizing and promotion that has gone into it only to have Savage steal the market that Steyr and Jeff Cooper created.
I think it's classic Keynesian economics. There are a number of people, myself included, willing to pay $2,500 to be the first guy on the block with a Scout. Once sales start to slow, they can drop the price to $2,000, then $1,500 etc to maximize profit.

Profit is a good thing. Free market supply and demand is a good thing.
Well Flash, welcome to the K-mart generation! you'll notice that yer local K-mart also does'nt sell Steyr, as well as Rolex, Nikon, Snap-On or any high quality tools. Ya gets whats ya pay for. In a world of compromise, you have joined the club. just keep on buying that cheap crap, mediocrity has become Americas standard lately. But I'm politically incorrect, so I'll buy the best. It may cost more, BUT it'll last fer my lifetime and probably my childrens too.


Old Biker,
Verily, buying the most expensive hopefully gets you the best quality. I'm sure, however, that you will agree:
1) price does not guarantee quality products or service;
2) some folks can NOT afford the most expensive items in the marketplace;
3) some folks do not have the experience or knowledge (or time to acquire them) to realize the difference; and
4) sometimes we don't realize how incredibly bad advice is given by self-proclaimed experts and various marketing people.

I sure do agree, however, that the "best" of anything is hardly ever the "cheapest". All I ask is you give us "po' folk" a break. We don't necessarily buy the cheapest because we're stupid.

For us, folks like you, who CAN and DO buy and sell pretty much as you desire, are an incredible resource! You save us many "wrong turns" - whether it is the "junk" stuff we ALMOST bought and didn't or the pricey stuff that is NOT worth the price. Folks like you on TFL are priceless to those of us who can not (or will not) perform our own extensive research.

BTW, I have two .45s that look ugly, cost under $1000 combined, function reliably enough to stake my life on, and are much more accurate than I am. (Heh, heh, I COULD use more practice. Let's go!)

Not trying to flame, Ole Biker, just looking for a little understanding and, at the same time, thanking you (and folks like you) for your advice.

Is it time yet?