Steyr Range Report & Customer Service Comments

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I picked up a Steyr M9 a couple of weeks ago and here are some unsolicited general observations about the M9, mostly in comparison to the Glock. I like the trigger much better. Crisp pull with no slack or mushiness. Feels to be about 5-6lbs. Don't like the safety in the trigger well and doubt I will use it. Grip frame is slippery, but a few judicious pieces of skateboard tape took care of that. I am going to try the Hogure Handall for it and see how that works. The grip angle make the gun point high for me (used to shooting 1911's) just like the Glocks, but I like the feel of the grip in my hand better than the blocky Glock feel.

I like the fact that the front site is dovetaild in as opposed to posted. The pyramid sights are weird. I hated them and am in the process of changing them. The only aftermarket maker is IWI/PTNightSights, so I am putting a tritium dot on the front with a plain black rear (my preferred set-up for a potential carry piece).

I don't like the loaded chamber indicator; just one more thing that can go wrong. Easy to take down. Internals look "beefier" than Glock with larger rails integrated into the steel frame insert. No hicap availability. Seems about the size of the G19, so it shouldn't be hard to conceal.

The gun shots real well. I have put 100 rounds of Denel 115g ball, 100 rounds of my 122g lead flat points and 15 rounds of Reminington +P+ hollowpoints without any problems. The gun shoots to POA and recoil is minimal, so follow up shots are easy. Ejection was erratic, with cases going forward, left and right but none back at my face as some have reported.

I didn't like the erratic ejection, so I called GSI. They told me that it was a common problem to the M9's which could easily be solved with a slightly longer ejector. They said to send it in and they would pay the shipping. I asked them if they could also intall my PT Night Sights and sight in the gun for me when they test fired it. They said no problem.

This next part is the truly unbelievable part. I sent it UPS overnight on Tuesday and get this, UPS left a little yellow note on my door TODAY saying that they tried to deliver a package from GSI! A 2 day turn-around time for service on my M9, just incredible. Unfortunately, I can't pick up the gun until Monday.

This is a neat pistol and with customer service like that, I could not be any more impressed. Any of you thinking of buying a polymer handgun should give Steyr fair consideration.

Nice report Frank, thanks. The range I shoot at has an M9 and an M40 for rent that I'm going to have to try out pretty soon. I've spoken with the guys at GSI, they are very nice...and close to where I live:)

Please post results of the new PTNightSights.
I'm not much for the loaded indicator, I never use it, but no big deal. I like the sights, and I like the Tenifer, it still looks as new as I first bought it. I think it looks better than a glock, and definitely (in my hands) shoots better too.

An external secondary safety is a big plus.

Nice review, very fair. Their customer service is incredible. I had a 2 day turn around and a phone call..!

GSI is great.
Thanks for the good report. Since you're stuck with 10 rounds, I think the smaller S9 is going to be interesting. I'm waiting for the .357 SIG version.
Hi all. Picked-up my M9 from UPS today and went straight to the range. I had the Steyr sights replaced with PT NightSights. They are significantly better. I purchased a Tritium front sight with a plain black rear, which is my preferred set-up for a carry gun.

I compared the glow of the front sight with the Trijicon tritium I have on my G36. They appear to be about the same size, but the Trijicon has a slightly brighter, more crisp glow. Not a big difference, but enough to be noticeable when held side by side.

The rear sight is the same shape as the Steyr, so it blends in with the slide very nicely. It has a flat face and provides a good site picture which allows you to pick-up the front sight quite easily. I don't know how the flat face is going to work in sunlight, but we shall see when the weather breaks in about another 2 months :)

These sights, at least for me, are a dramatic improvement over the factory pyramids. If any of you don't like the factory sites, I would suggest you give the PTs a try. As an aside, IWI was nice to deal with and shipped very quickly.
