Steyr M9 recoil?


New member
I own a Steyr M40 (LOVE IT!!!) I see that Turners has a sale on the Steyrs again.

Thinking about getting my gf a gun, she's pretty small, and last time I had her try the 9mm's in a Sig, she almost dropped the gun.

I know the Steyr has low recoil, and some say that the M9 is a joke when it comes to recoil, but do you guys think it's low enough for my gf to shoot?

Funny, when I shot the M9 I thought it recoiled a lot more than the Sig 229; then again the 229 probably weighed 5 oz. more and had Hogue grips on it. The grip is pretty smooth so I would think a handall or skateboard tape would be a big help.