Steyr M "Free trigger Upgrage" worth doing?


I just bought a Steyr M and am very happy with it...far as I can tell nothings wrong with the trigger should I send it in for the free trigger upgrade?
Rooster, judging from the other thread I think that we determined that you have a demo gun. I believe that the trigger swap and upgrades would have already been done to it before it left GSI. Best bet is to call them up and ask. If they ask for the serial number, give it to them, just be sure they know that it was a demo. Those should have all been factory reconditioned before they were sent out. Post and let us know what happens.
If you had the original trigger, you'd know it... It was horrible...

Sent my wifes M in for the upgrade, it was completely worthwile, and much improved. Got that trigger back to the advertised 5-6# instead of an inconsistent 12# that stacked miserably.

If you haven't gotten it, do it, you'll be happy.
Did you have to first contact GSI, or did you just mail it to them with a note? Did they give you the $35 or an extra mag? What was the turn around time? Thanks