Steyr GB help needed


New member
I'm looking for a smith who has experience working on Steyr GB pistols.

My GB9 had some light primer strikes the other day and I decided to check the hammer springs. Well, I ended up removing the sear, BIG MISTAKE, I can't get it back in properly.

I'm looking for a smith who is familiar with the inner workings of Steyr GB pistols, who I can ship it to for proper reinstallation of the sear and to address the light primer strike issues.

Have you considered the factory repair service. I believe this is still current:

Steyr Repair Center
1660 160th Street
Waverly, Iowa 50677

Sometimes the factory service will do minor work without charge. I don't have the phone number, but you can probably do reverse look-up on a web phone directory and call and ask? You will be out the shipping costs (not cheap).
