Stevens 62


New member
Took the hired hand out shooting today (14yo.) His Stevens 62 fired the first seven rounds just fine then locked the bolt closed. It would rock back about 1/4 inch then stop. I rolled the gun over to remove the magazine, rolled it back on its side and the bolt worked for 2 hand cycles. I rolled it back over (upside down) and brought it back to its side and the bolt hand cycled once.

Thinking something might have come loose, I held it up to my electronic ear plug and shook it. No rattle. Brought it back down and can't get the bolt to cycle at all. Magazine out, magazine in, safety on, safety off, upside down, sideways, rightside up, up my....well any ways.

Comments? Advice? Schematic/ breakdown instructions?

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
