Stevens 200 VS Winchester Model 70

Dr MoonUnit

New member
My local Gun dealer has a new Stevens Model 200 .308 for me waiting to be picked up Tomorrow at $359 out the door. But he also has a Winchester Model 70 in .270 thats used with a Hogue overmolded stock for about the same price, maybe $20 more. It looks to be in good condition but I never know how much life a barrel has in a used rifle.

Does it sound like a good deal? And how do I tell what year it is?
Tough choice. I have 4 Model 70s. They all shoot very well and I'm very fond of all of them. They are just so classy. I have exactly one Stevens 200. Not pretty at all. But it's the best shooter I have. Go figgger. Yeah, I'd probably go for the Model 70 anyway. It's kind of like choosing a wife. Do you want the pretty one, or the one that will work the hardest?
Pull the bolt out of that Model 70 and look down the barrel into a light, If you see good clean rifiling in the barrel, buy it.
Both Rifles are good, nothing wrong with either one, but the Model 70 in my opinion is a little better.
Good luck
Yeah but you can get a new Savage for $389 with a scope from Wal-Mart so your gun dealer isn't selling you anything at a great price either. I'd still take the Wal-Mart M70 over the Stevens. I don't remember Winchester offering any Hogue stocks from the factory being sold in Wal-Mar either so that should be an upgrade someone else added.
Shoulder them and see which one you like the best. If you still can't make up your mind offer him $600 for both.
'Bout the only reason a man would get rid of a M70 is that he needs money for Christmas or the like. Probably nothing wrong with the rifle. Someone buys a Winchester and they are likely to take care of it. Sure, give the bore a look see as you're reaching for your wallet. Don't take a pass on it.
Barrel life of a 270 is at least 5000 rounds, and folks who bought their rifles at Wally World probably don't shoot all that much. I would probably pick the model 70 just because the Stevens uses the old trigger design that is so heavy and gritty.
Which gun and after tax?

No, the rifles are $389.99 pre tax and as far as models go they are all Savage long actions (I imagine 110's) with Accutriggers, blind magaznes, black synthetic stocks and cheap scopes on them. They have been selling the Rem M700 ADL's for $449 with Remington marked scopes as well. I'm saving my money to buy the ADL to build a nice .250 Savage on for my daughters first hunting rifle.

She is 7 and I have 5 more years until she can legally hunt big game with me. So I've got some time right now.
I have the Savage Model 11 in 308, its basically the same thing as the Stevens 200. In factory configuration with the Bushnell scope it came with, it shoots tiny little dime sized groups with Remington Core Lokt ammo.
It's unlikely that the Winchester has excessive bore wear. Hunting rifles in general are not shot frequently enough to have excessive wear...many people will own them for years and never go through the box of ammo they bought at the same time as the rifle.

That said, I personally prefer .308 to just about any rifle round out there....I own five of them. Your perfect choice would IMHO be the Winchester M-70 in .308 (like mine), but that's not your option.

I also own a Stevens 200 in .223 Rem and it's a utilitarian looking but sweet shooting little rifle...and I didn't pay anywhere near that much for mine....:confused: