Steel shot questions


New member
I have a Browning Cynergy over/under shotgun that I have been using the past few years for clay shooting. This season I'd like to do some hunting with it and might use some steel shot with the gun. The Browning user manual states that the barrels and chokes are tempered steel and are OK to use with any SAAMI loads (including steel and other non-toxic shot).

However, I was wondering if shooting steel shot regularly has any negative effects on the bore of a shotgun. Should I be concerned about regularly shooting steel through my O/U or is it more or less the same as shooting lead? Does the use of steel shot significantly accelerate wear of the barrel?

Thanks in advance!
As simply as I can put it, NO!

If rated for steel, and I know they are, then you can shoot anything you want out of them...

Have fun...
No, Steel Shot won't harm any of the Browning O/U's.

But be sure and pick the right choke / usually the tightest recommended is Modified since Steel doesn't compress like Lead shot does.
Your browning chokes SHOULD have them marked on the tube - 1 constriction for lead, the other name for steel - that is - (as BigJim alluded to) - a choke labeled Modified for lead will be the equal of a Full for steel....
As others have said it is not a problem.

I run about 50-75 rounds a week for about 2 years now. No problem. Most say no chokes tighter than Mod and that choose 1 choke size bigger when shooting steel. IE Mod with lead = Imp.cyl with steel (think that is right).

It is my understanding that the shot stays in the wad until it exits the barrel. So unless there are different wads for steel and lead there should be no additional wear there.
Thanks Fellas. My user manual has a table that lists the chokes with their effective choke pattern when using steel shot. I guess I need to buy some cartridges and pattern my gun next week.

Thanks again for your help.