Steel Challenge Gear


New member
Hi. I am interested in the minimal equipment required for competing in a Steel Challenge. Specifically if all 8 stages are being shot how much ammo and number of magazines recommended - is a nylon cheep-o holster okay? duty belt? mag pouches/holders required?

Any help would be greatly appreciated... I have been unable to find much information on this topic and have even reached out to the local match I will be attending Nov 5th in MA.

(I plan to shoot my 9mm G17L and buy 500rds of Brown Bear or similar ammo and currently have two mags)
For the standard course, you’ll need 195 rounds if you never miss. You’ll miss, so take an extra 50 rounds or more. 500 rounds will be plenty.

You don’t need a “duty” belt, just something that will keep your gun in the same place all the time. If your cheapo holster has a retaining strap, secure it out of the way.

For a hi-cap like your Glock, 3 or 4 mags should be OK. You really don’t want to run out of loaded mags and try to reload one while the clock’s running.

You don’t need mag pouches unless you’re shooting in an IDPA class. Most ranges give you a place to lay your mags. Just be real sure you keep your gun pointed DOWNRANGE while you’re reloading.

Remember that every shooter watching you has been where you are. Shoot safe, not fast.
thanks for the response. good info. i just bought two extra mags to make it 4 total and bought 500 rds of S&B... going with my duty belt/nylon holster setup and going to have some fun.
You will need 25 rounds per stage X 8 will equal 200 rounds WITHOUT ANY MISSES!:eek: There are 5 targets per string X 5 strings per stage (25) rounds
As to equipment wait and see what the other competitors are using and ask questions. 2 magazines should get you through each stage
195 Rounds Minimum for Steel Challenge

Only 195 rounds are necessary to complete a Steel Challenge match if you are a perfect shooter. That is because one of the stages only allows four strings whereas the other seven stages have five strings (so 7x5x5 + 1x4x5= 195).
Good Shooting.
The video link doesn't seem to work.
Maybe whoever put it up wasn't satisfied with their performance.:p
When there was a steel match close to us, we attended for many years and never were tempted to venture beyond the rimfire division.
Way too much fun and no chasing of brass, either.
Enjoy, it sounds like you are hooked.
I shoot a revolver using the duty holster I carried in LE, (Hoyt Brake Front) and speed loaders, Six loaders work find for my M-64.

Other then that, Lots of ammo, I aways take a lot more then I need. It don't spoil and if I don't shoot it this time, I'll shoot it next time.

I'd recommend not buying anything (but ammo) and using what you have until you find out which way you want to go.