Steel 22lr SA Revolvers


New member
Who makes quality 22lr/22mag revolvers? I have no chance at finding one on the shelf at LGS. So, I have to order. I dont want to get a light die cast gun. I am told the Ruger Single Six #0622 is a quality steel gun. What else is out there?
@Aguilla Blanca- Do you know if the Uberti Stallion is steel as well? Uberti lists them as CH Steel. But, I have heard many are actually die cast with a CH steel appearance.
Bill DeShivs said:
Gene, Roy, and the Lone Ranger's six guns held 20-30 rounds!
Gene and Roy, maybe, and some of the bad guys. The Lone Ranger never needed more than one shot. More than once he was ambushed by a guy with a rifle -- who missed -- and the ranger took him out with one un-aimed shot from his trusty six shooter.

Must have been those silver bullets.

Of course, in the pilot for the television series, the Ranger killed a buffalo with one shot from his Colt.
I have the Uberti Stallion 6 shot, 5.5" .22. Nice shooter, once it was fixed under warranty (hammer kept slipping out of full cock, brand new gun). Keep in mind, Benelli USA refused to pay shipping, that was on MY dime. So the revolver cost me about an extra $109.00 over the original price for Fed Ex overnight shipping. :mad:
That minor gripe aside (it WAS a new gun, it should have worked properly, and they should have paid shipping), the gun is very nice. They did fix it, and fixed it properly too, function is now perfect. Walnut grips are amazing, fixed sights shoot to point of aim (I have no problem blasting rotten eggs at 15 yards or so). Its a fun little plinker, has the Swiss-safe feature (4 click hammer), cylinder bolt can be pushed in deeper to render the weapon inoperative, in case it is dropped. Case colors are ok, nothing Special. Fit and finish are ok as well, one rough spot near the loading gate latch, but for the price I can't fault Uberti. Pretty cool little Colt SAA copy in my opinion.
Great small game / pest control, Saturday afternoon backyard or camp plinker. Great rat / squirrel gun around bird feeder. I like fixed sights on handguns and especially six shooters. All Steel too (I believe), no plastic or zinc castings that I can see.
I sure wish Colt would introduce an all steel (not a Zinc alloy), .22 SAA revolver. I would gladly pay extra for a top of the line plinker made in the USA. Until then, I guess the Uberti Stallion will have to suffice.
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My eyes may be old, but the Uberti 12 shot photo shows a cylinder that only hold 10 shots. Maybe it is like in the movies where everybody has 30 shot revolvers. When I was a kid, my grandmother had an 8 shot 22 revolver. I think it was an H&R. Nice little gun. Grant.
Grant 14 said:
My eyes may be old, but the Uberti 12 shot photo shows a cylinder that only hold 10 shots.
You're right. I didn't bother to count. And the video says it's 10 rounds. I wonder why the web site claims twelve.
Some of the Heritage guns have steel frames. FIE used to import a small frame SA .22 with a steel frame and gorgeous case colors.
I had a Ruger Single Six and was disappointed at the accuracy. I believe it's because the Single Six is also convertible to the .22 WMR and... (long winded throat and bore and blah blah) and I didn't want to shoot .22 WMR!

I replaced it with a Ruger Bearcat and although it's not more accurate, it's much smaller (shorter sight radius), has fixed sights and it's light and cute as a bug. Same accuracy from a much smaller gun that's lighter to carry and a real classic.

If you don't want the cute Bearcat, I would seriously look at the
Ruger Single 10
as it's designed from the start to shoot .22 LR and although I think six-guns should shoot 6 (or 5) or wait... 10 is fine in a .22!
I had a Ruger Single Six and was disappointed at the accuracy.
But that is your experience. Mine is nice an accurate... As long as I shoot what it likes to be fed.... I don't know why exactly, but each .22 seems to have a preference :) .
I really 'like' my Single Six.... And it is a 'proper' six shooter... not a 10 shooter, not a 12 shooter .... a six-shooter. :)