Steamlight tlr-4 laser/light combo compact

Debating steamlight tlr3 or tlr4 laser/light for compact handguns - Thoughts??

I've been thinking about getting a light or possibly even a laser light combo for my glock 19...and my girlfriends pk380.

We shoot at night sometimes and I think it would definitely be fun and beneficial to have one.

I'm looking for something that we can use interchangeably as neither of us need to be light/laser equipped at the same time.

In all reality it will probably just sit on my glock that I have in the house in the nightstand other than when the lady and I are doing night shooting and swapping it back and forth every so often.

Here is the TLR 3

The TLR-4 is the same as the TLR-3(110 lumens), but with a laser too.

I like the smaller compact designs....I was originally looking at the insight m6x, but its a little too pricey I thought.

What do you all think of the TLR3 vs the TLR-4 design? Do you think its worth another $30 or so for the laser?

Had anyone had experience with either of these models?
Any input is welcome!

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Ok, so after not having any feedback on which way to go, I went ahead and purchased the streamlight TLR-4.

I've only had it about a week now, and I can say it is WELL worth the $105 I paid for it.

The light is plenty bright, and the laser works very well. The functionality seems natural, and the toggle switch on the laswer to switch between the various modes is both easy to use, and works very well.

So far, I've had no complaints. I've put it on my Glock 19 and did some shooting with it yesterday. Out of the box, it appears that the laser is shooting about 3" to the left, but after making a simple adjustment, its spot on and has held its zero after 145 rounds.

I'll likely being buying one for my girlfriend, as I think I want this one all to myself now :)

Hope this helps anyone on the fence about the purchase