Stationary vs Moving Targets


I am curious if given the option to shoot at a moving target at the range vs a stationary target, which would you all chose and why?

I have roughly 2 years of handgun experience (visit the range 1-2x a month) and I find that the incremental gains I am making in accuracy have shrunk and am wondering if moving towards a moving target would increase my ability.

Thanks very much
Welcome To TFL

Incrimental gains are still gains so good for you in that respect. I know alot of folks have limited range rescourses therefore not everyone gets to shoot at a moving target. With that said moving while you shoot at a stationary target can make a difference too.

Obviously range rules dictate what you can and cannot do so I would speak with a range officer before you try any tuck and rolls. Better yet save the tuck and rolls for the movies. Advance on the target while shooting then back away while shooting. Step side to side and continue to address the same target.

If you have a private spot to shoot you can go mad scientist however I suggest doing so in the company of a range buddy to offer you assistance if you need it.

Again welcome to the boards, Vermonter
thanks vermonter. i understand the ultimate is moving while shooting a moving target but that is not an option for me at home. I do have a way to shoot at moving targets while i remain stationary - and im curious if most people find (or would find) that preferable to shooting a stationary target. i have yet to find and indoor range with something like this, but i think i could rig up something at home and wonder if its worth the effort.
"rig up something at home"

I like it. What did you have in mind? I think shooting at a moving target while stationary has a high training value. I have read about shooting a moving target and having to put say 5 rounds in the target between point A and point B.
If your range allows them, swinging and rotating targets are real easy and cheap to make.
And they don't take up any more space than a single stationary target.
ah, right most of these you would manually push etc. you couldnt really have those at a public range. certainly would work for home, though.
When I go camping up here in some isolated camp spots in Alaska, I practice running right and left about 3-5 yards and shooting
at a stationery target (our range rules will NOT let folks do that around here). I figure in real life, you're not going to be standing still
while someone tries to make horizontal channels in your body. In all reality, if you're not behind cover, you're going to be trying to get to cover and so is the perp. I've shot a lot of rounds at stationary targets, standing and thought I was a good shot til I started running and shooting. Out of 5-6 shots, most I normally can get is 2 or 3 in or near a vital running as fast as I can, sometimes 1.
I saw a movie where a cop and Lenny Magill did this with paint bullets and Lenny and the cop were hard pressed to hit anything. Lenny did manage a couple of lethal hits on one try and the cop did 1 on Lenny once but overall, it's pretty tough to do. Anytime you can shoot at something moving or you moving is good practice IMHO. I always opt for a moving target if I could get it or a target that turns within a second or 2.
I shoot for fun in my old age, and I can't think of any thing more fun then something like the Texas Star or similar targets.

We were getting cocky with our clubs Texas Star, so they started putting a sheet of plywood on the top half so we could only shoot when the plates were at the bottom.

Which if you ever shot the Texas Star, you know shooting the bottom plates first, gets the targets spinning faster.

Moving targets are a heck of a lot of fun.

Rifle movers aren't as much fun unless you vary the speed, or have stop and go targets down range.

A game I haven't tried yet, but want to is where you have a cut out target of dangerous game that comes toward you at relatively close range and you have to make a killing shot using a heavy Africa type rifle with full power loads. Seen them shoot those targets on TV, they look like a heck of a lot of fun.