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States' forum?


Member In Memoriam
I really don't see how anything extra-TFL could be much better than what we've aready got, but how could we better tie into our various states' issues & make a bigger impact at that & national level by incorporating all the energy here?

We've a huge amount of great ideas & comitment .... it's not being focused as well as it could.

How do we do that?

States' Forum is dumb - I'd agree, but how o we desiminate pertinent info, at state level, & again at fed-level so we all can jump on the wagon & beat it up?

I'm a subscriber to CO-local CSSA & CoRKBA, which does provide some info, but not enough & it is filtered to a more "mainstream" low-keyed pro-gun attitide ..... not as "flavorful" as a hard-core guy like me needs - yup, I'm a rabid. Sorry.

Anything TFL can do/should even bother with to jump-start things a bit more at a local level?

Late night mind dumps from an insomniac right now ......
My experience thus far, in activism, is to keep an eye on the whole picture. Think of it as a domino effect. If it works on one level, it may tickle down to, or up to, your level.

It's best to have situational awareness, not only in the physical carry of a gun, but in the politics of carrying one too.

Just my thought...
No disagreement, yankytrash, the thing I don't see is actual state-level activism, even that at the nat'l level.

We bitch, but we don't do ... if you see my point/difference.

First point of politics is these guys want another term. Without "local" support," that ain't happenin', & we must push that to no end ..... same-same at the fed-level.

TFL's a huge resource & I've been there & done that before ... just wonderin' if there's somethig (again) we can do to push the limit a bit to make that difference for the '02 elections .....

... is all.

I duno.

Too much talk & not enough action is what I see way too much ......
I've been giving this some thought. Unfortunately, I just don't see that we have the human resources for it. Additionally, I don't think it will get much play.

What it would look like would be a new section with 5 regional areas. Within each of those there's be individual states listed. Requirements: 50 Moderators! 50 Forums.

If, OTOH, we put up just one new political forum ("State Issues"), most would wind up posting to in L&P anyway....more play there.
Rich, thanks.

I never expected this to go anywhere whatsoever re TFL - more of a yak & a frustration level at the world at large kinda ....

I have gleaned such an amount of knowledge here (TFL - thanks again, hat's off, kudos, Sir! yada - to the nth degree ... you done way good) & the know-how base here is astounding ..... I am literally in awe at the resource available .... one of those things that jump-started me into more of the political fray.

I cannot help but think, & know, that those of us who dial into TFL have somewhat of The Key to the assist in turning this country around just enough to make that difference between the jury & cartridge box .... damnitall & good grief! if we can't, who the hell could!? (yup. rhetorical, & all that, but still pertinent ..... )

I've some very astute local players in my personal circle who also could (do) make a difference, but sadly, there just isn't the exposure .....

Again, I'm not asking TFL to "step up" ... more of a frustration

I don't even know what I'm asking for ..... :rolleyes: , but do know that if we "astutes" here can't pull it off, then none of us can .....

Yup. Mindless questions & just asking for some answers to kick-start the whole thing again ...... just the discussion.

Some mention lately in Political about a regional thing - maybe not, but what's it take to get us all dialed in & active?

If we don't, buddy, we're sunk .....
Some mention lately in Political about a regional thing - maybe not, but what's it take to get us all dialed in & active?

When TFL members and I get together we talk about this. TFL is an "upper class" forum for 2nd Ammendment enthusiasts. There is great potential with organized activism within TFL.
Why have a section for each state?

Why not just put up 5 new forums for 6, or maybe even 4, regions...


North East - New England, NY, PA, MD, and Virginia and those states out to the North Central region

South East - Below Virginia, whatever they are. :)

North Central - between say, the Mississippi and the Rockies)

South Central (ditto above, only below maybe Arkansas

North West

South West

You could possibly even wrap North & South west into one lump as California is such a huge state...
You could have an activist forum where folks from various local organizations could post activities. No problem for us TFL members to recruit folks from our local organizations to post regarding activities. For example, us Californians are always Emailing someone regarding some gun related bill in the state assembly. We just irritate them, but sometimes we get our way. These efforts would be of some interest to other TFL'ers from California. Regional forums would provide more focus and narrow the range of posts.

Given an addition of this magnate is certain to require some additional "logistics", I wonder if less-taxing way to accomplish the same goal might be to: (1) review -- by interested members -- the state-oriented forums of packing.org (and other applicable sites) and (2) then simply import any ideas that members might wish to air on TFL.

Best regards.
Good point. Packing.org is a favored site of ours. We're discussing this project among Staff. However, we're not gonna move real quick....it's a big addition.