"Statement of Good Character"

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New member
Hello all,

It looks like I may be going to Gunsite this summer with my mother for Tactical Pistol (it's the only way she will allow guns in her house; works for me). Gunsite requires a statement from "someone who knows you well and can vouch for your good character". They suggest pastors, bosses, etc. Family members are out.

Well, I don't have a pastor, and I'm a full time student at UW, so I don't have a boss. Does anyone have any ideas about who I could get to attest to my good character? I do have a good character, by the way. Trouble is I just don't know that many folks.

Thanks in advance for your comments.
You might try family friends, your old teachers (I'm a pro-gun teacher) or old friends from school. Were you ever in the Boy Scouts? If so ask your old scoutmaster. Have you ever performed community volunter work? If so ask the facilitator who ran the program. Hopes this helps.
Wait a minute, let me get this straight. You're going to Gunsite WITH your Mom!? How politically incorrect can you get? :) I love it! Soccer Moms, meet Pistol Packin' Moms.
Yee-ha! I'm in a state of maternal envy.
As for your question, if you played sports in school, how about coaches? Your friend's parents? Did you work a summertime job in high school? Rack your brain, my boy, you've got to find an answer to your question. You've got the chance to spend the ultimate quality time with your Mom, and at a firing range no less. So much for the "My Mom's cooler than your Mom". You've won hands down.
Mom: "Where are you going, Son?"
Son: "Going out for the night with the guys!"
Mom: "Are you wearing clean Thunderwear?"

:D Moms are great!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey, have I mentioned my new book? It is called:
You have an advisor, right? Try them, then your professors. If I read this right, you would do so but you're afraid they, not Gunsite, will turn on you. You might be surprised!

OK, we helped you. Now it's your turn. I think it's only fair that you teach us all how to convince our moms to take us to Gunsite with them . . . .


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Thanks. I admit that the purpose of this post was twofold; to get some help with my problem and to brag.

Gwinny, it's a long story (at least chronologically), but it certainly merits telling.

My mom used to be completely anti-gun. Completely. She used to toss off all the anti "facts": a gun will be taken and used against you, you're more likely to shoot someone in your own family than any crook, etc. Now, I've always liked guns, but all of her rhetoric tended to make me a rather guilty 10-year-old when I became more and more fascinated with them.

As I matured, so did my perspective. After high school, I began to get into the nuts and bolts of pro-gun logic. I read gun rags, which were moderately helpful, and I found TFL, which was extremely helpful. I was a completely reconciled human being. I had my arguments down. Yet, I still concealed my enthusiasm and ardor for guns and the 2nd from my mom.

Sooner or later it had to come out, of course. You all know how it works. A few times I tried to have rational discussions with her, but she just called me a nut and became disgusted.

I was having an effect, however. One evening, after being rather quiet for a while, she admitted that she hadn't been logical; that she was allowing her emotions to override common sense. After a rather torturous, on-and-off period of education, she has come to share my disgust of useless gun control laws and realize that guns are a positive (or at the very least indifferent) tool.

My mother has always believed in being thorough; she says that if we own guns, we must be trained--well trained. I gave her literature from several schools and she said that Gunsite looked like the best one. I was inclined to agree. So, unless something radical happens, we are probably going in the summer. I'm sure I'll have this whole character thing hammered out by then.

So, in conclusion, if you want a pistol-packin' mom, you've got to wear her down, patiently, with the rightness of your cause. Take it real slow, maybe a brief discussion every week or so. Before long, she'll be bringing up gun-related articles in the paper since she knows that is what you are "in to". Then, since she brought it up, you can educate her a bit.

It just takes time.

Now, as for the suggestions, they are all excellent, but;

I have talked to my advisor precisely once and my professors precisely never. This is a huge university. I think that anyone I asked there would become suspicious if I brought up Gunsite. I think. At any rate, I've never been within ten feet of them. At some point, I'm sure that will change.

HS, I don't really know my GP that well, but I know my chiropractor somewhat better. My father is close friends with a highly respected neurologist; that's an idea...a good idea! Thanks!

Apologies for the wandering post and thanks again for your responses.
Well, we can rule out a letter from your Parole or Probation Officer as what you need. LOL

Roscoe, I am sure that they want the letter so that they can have some assurances that the student is not Charles Manson's evil twin. I know that if I were running a shooting school such as Gunsite, LFI or the like I would want to know that my students are somewhat stable and honest. A few reference letters may not guarentee that but I would have a somewhat better idea of who I was teaching.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
I am VERY supportive of the Gunsite policy. I used to coach wrestling and football. The major reason I stopped is because I didn't have the ability to kick a bullies off the team. If you teach someone a "martial art" it is partially your fault if they use it improperly. I'm impressed with their policy...
If you teach someone a martial art.......

Oh bull****, what ever happened to personal responsability? If you teach some one a martial art, THEY are responsable and only THEY, if they misuse that knowledge.
I personally don't have a problem with Gunsite's policy; it's just a little harmless CYA. If we lived in a society more willing to assign personal responsibility to, uh, the responsible party, there wouldn't be a problem. But we don't, so there is.

Of course, I know that folks from all over the world have attended Gunsite. Who knows what they have gone and done? And the responsibility has never come back to the school.

James, it seems that Thunder Ranch also requires a statement of good character, this time from a local official like a Sheriff or DA. I would imagine that they only want proof of no criminal record, as opposed to the more "personal" statement Gunsite seems to require.

Perhaps former Gunsite students could share how they handled this, either here or through e-mail.
Most sheriff's and police departments produce a letter stating if they have had any negative contact with you. People seeking naturalization used to come to our department all the time because Immigration & Naturalization Service required one. Mexico required the same letter for those people who were going hunting in Mexico and intended to import a firearm into the country.

Does your mother have an attorney who knows you personally? Does she know any professional people who know you personally? A letter of recommendation/good character always looks better on professional letterhead.
Roscoe P.,
I agree with you in theory, but in todays world you probably would be found liable by the courts.
It's a bad day when your first thougts are "Will I be sued?" and "Will I lose?", before you do anything.

Neil Casper
You might try asking the local constabulary for a letter stating no criminal history!

I am not a dangerous psychotic!
I just play one at work.
Your Mom is a credit to society. She recognizes that freedom carries with it responsibility.

There are few places where that will serve you as well as Gunsite, and none better.
Their policy about "statement of good character" is not just to protect themselves. They also figure you don't want to come and train with any dirtbags on the firing line next to you. There is a lot of time to get to know the other people you are training with. I don't know if you still can, but you used to be able to camp on site and talk around the fire at night. There are some interesting stories to be heard at Gunsite. It was good to know that all of those people walking around with loaded pistols on their hips were the good guys and gals.
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