state of emergency declared in NC

10mm man

New member
Our Gov. decided to declare a state of emergency here in NC today inorder to get aid in the event that the hurricanes strike our coast. What does that do for me?
I now can't carry legally off my property.

Stupid law.
Doesn't he have to specifically state that firearms are restricted to your property, or is it automatic in NC's state of emergency laws?

You're right - stupid law.
Yeah, was heading for Carolina Beach for a week---don't think I'll chance it now. Wife's bummed but what can you do??
I'll just eat the rental I guess---darn, was looking forward to some fishing.

automatic, I'd guess

It's written in the statutes. He could have limited the emergency to the counties adjacent to the coast and still got the aid.
I live in the middle of the state and the only thing this law does for me is infringe upon my rights when there won't be a breeze harder than 15mph or a little rain associated with the storms.
State of emergency over a tropical storm!?!?! I guess Katrina got everyone shaking in their boots.

I think its kinda silly. But until the storm is over, i'm on call 24/7. No weekends for me!