State Mottos/Slogans?


New member
Some of these are cryptic. Some are outright hypocritical. I thought you would find them interesting.


Alabama - "We dare defend our rights"

Alaska - "North to the future"

Arizona - "God enriches"

Arkansas - "The people rule"

California - "I have found it"

Colorado - "Nothing without Providence"

Connecticut - "He who transplanted still sustains" (huh?)

Delaware - "Liberty and independence"

Florida - "In God we trust"

Georgia - "wisdon, justice, and moderation"

Hawaii - "the life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness"

Idaho - "It is forever"

Illinois - "State sovereignty, national union"

Indiana - "The crossroads of America"

Iowa - "Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain"

Kansas - "To the stars through difficulties"

Kentucky - "United we stand, divided we fall"

Louisiana - "Union, justice and confidence"

Maine - "I lead"

Maryland - "Manly deeds, womanly words"

Massachusetts - "By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty"

Michigan - "If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look around you"

Minnisota - "The North Star"

Mississippi - "By valor and arms"

Missouri - "The welfare of the people shall be the supreme law"

Montana - "Gold and Silver"

Nebraska - "Equality before the law"

Nevada - "All for Our Country"

New Hampshire - "Live free or die"

New Jersey - "Liberty and prosperity"

New Mexico - "It grows as it goes"

New York - "Ever upward"

North Carolina - "To be rather than to seem"

North Dakota - "Liberty, union, now and forever: one and inseparable"

Ohio - "With God, all this are possible"

Oklahoma - "Labor conquers all things"

Oregon - "She flies with her own wings"

Pennsylvania - "Virtue, liberty, and independence"

Rhode Island - "Hope"

South Carolina - "Prepared in mind and resources" and "While I breathe, I hope"

South Dakota - "Under God the people rule"

Tennessee - "Agriculture and commerce"

Texas - "Friendship"

Utah - "Industry"

Vermont - "Vermont, freedom, and unity"

Virginia - "Thus always to tyrants"

Washington - "Al-Ki" (Indian meaning "by and by")

West Virginia - "Mountaineers are always free"

Wisconsin - "Forward"

Wyoming - "Equal rights"


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
Thanks much....this is great stuff.

The repeated references to fierce individuality, state sovereignty and defense of freedoms is heartening. Curiously, these same phrases, uttered by a citizen today, are enough to brand one a "dangerous" individual.
Actually the motto of California (my home away from home) is "Eureka" which is Greek for "I have found it". Supposedly Archimedes said this when he figured out how to determine the purity of gold. So it sort of fits for CA.

I have always liked Virginia's motto. We Virginian's haven't completely rolled over to the anti's like some other states. Now, if only we can get rid of Sen. Robb, that might even continue a little longer. Former Gov. Allen just might be able to take him in the next election.

Allegedly John Sutter said "Eureka!" as well. Which is interesting considering he wasn't the guy who discovered the gold ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Queensland Australia

The Sunshine State

Dubiously dubbed by some Politician who thought the sun shined.... You guessed it !

Political chuckle :)

"The Sun From Down Under !"
This is a little off topic,but I have always thought it cool. My Dad is a retired Montana highway patrol officer and to date the highway patrol patch has 3-7-77 on it. This was the signiture of the vigilatees inb the late 1800's . They would post the names of people that had limited time to get out of townm and sign it 3-7-77. They eveb hung their own corrupt Sheriff!!

I was just through Montana and I was not impressed with their gun laws, expecially concerning concealed carry. NO reciprocity with any other state, and NO out of state permits. Also, they are limiting day-time driving to 75 MPH on May 28th. I have to admit, 100+ was very enjoyable. Beautiful country! I guess I just expected more from such a frontier state. :(


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited April 17, 1999).]