State Militia ... sensitive question

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Jonny Mack

Seeing as voting with my ballot hasn't counted for anything in Illinois for the last twenty-odd years, I have been getting ready to vote with my feet - which is apparently having some good effect (Illinois electoral votes has decreased during that time while states like, say, Texas, have increased during the same period).

As my wife and kids and I prepare to make the move, I become increasingly concerned that the S might HTF before we get set up. If there's a significant collapse of the financial system in this country, Chi-Town is going to be Ground Zero for urban rioting. I want to be able to get my family out of Dodge safely.

But I suspect that during this time of unrest the State Militias will be making their presence felt, guarding state borders, etc. My question - to anybody who might be in a State Militia (such as Texas') - is this: Is there any way to get some kind of certificate of approval from a state militia, some kind of ID card or hall pass, or anything like that that members of my family could present if we were making a last minute exodus?

If we need to take this offline, please let me know and give me a number where we might be able to talk. Much thanks.
You overestimate the organizational level of militias. Most "organized" state militias are little more than rural neighborhood watches with illusions of grandeur.

In the event of societal collapse, if there are roadblocks set up controlling entry into any area it won't be from anyone that would be willing or able to give anyone safe passage in advance.
ISC said:
You overestimate the organizational level of militias. Most "organized" state militias are little more than rural neighborhood watches with illusions of grandeur.
And you are generalizing. Many official state militias are part of the state government, are adjuncts to the state's National Guard, and are directly under the command of the state's governor and National Guard commander.

In other states, there are private militias that call themselves "state" militias ... but aren't.
And I guess I don't want to be on the bad side of either kind of militia, either well-meaning citizens or fully deputized government organizations.
I'm trying to point out to you that despite the fact that we are facing an invasion from Mexico (20 million and counting) and numerous acts of terror being committed by the drug cartels, federal agents, state police, and National guard are prohibited from regulating who crosses our nations borders.

There is no way that a psuedo official, untrained, unfunded motley collection of citizens is going to be enpowered to act in any official capacity. The centralized autocrats in power would see any such group as a threat to their authority and would take measures against them.
Yep, I appreciate what you're saying. And while they let drug lords cross borders at will, I am imagining one of those groups gunning down my legal, law-abiding kids or grandchildren as they attempt to relocate to a constitutionally-minded state. Hey, I still fear crazy liberals more than crazy militiamen ...

So look, I guess I'm throwing the hook out there to see if there's anybody out there ... anyone? anyone? Buehler? ... who belongs to such a group - in northeast Texas, for instance - and is willing to correspond and/or meet. I.e. actually meeting and talking to a member of such a group might make the difference.

Know what I'm saying?
Everyone please remember...

The scheduled SHTF for the United States is NOT this year, it's next year, and will NOT take the guise of a drug lord overrunning the financially crushed state governments.

All of the nation's toilets are going to back up at once.

I really have to scratch my head when people start talking about how imminent collapse is going to happen day after tomorrow and we need to be prepared for the zombie hoards.

A simple study of history shows periods that have presented FAR greater challenges to this nation, and yet, everything has endured.

Good luck in your search for.... for.... well hell, I'm not exactly sure what you're searching for Johnny, but best of luck, but this one is closed for bordering on the apocalyptic, which we don't do here at Zombie Central (we don't do that, either).
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