State laws, SOPs-policy, licenses for armed security/protective services...


I was in contact with a few PSC(private security) and protective service firms who are contracting new sites in AL-MS-TX-FL(BP oil spill-Gulf areas) and KY/TN for the flood areas.

I'd like to get some direct answers or details from current residents or armed security license holders/PIs-guards, etc. I looked over the state websites for Florida, TN and Texas and they are fairly detailed but I'm not very clear on MS, AL and KY.
Does MS or AL allow or recognize out of state armed security licenses? Do you have to be a state resident to obtain a valid security license or permit in AL or MS? Can you carry different weapons or only what you qualify or register on your security application? Do you have to be a security company employee or PI to hold an armed license or can anyone get it?
Any details or license/state law information would help.
Please reply with security or armed service details/license information for these states-areas.
What armed security licenses in 1986 in RI or MI does not help now.

PM me if you have any security/PSC details if you wish to keep it low profile.

MS state policy, licenses...

I just called the MS Dept of Public Safety, Firearms Permit Office.
The state employee informed me the state only accepts new firearms/security applications/fingerprints/fees at the main office in Jackson MS. New licensed security officers/guards are then given a valid temp ID card to use in MS until the perm state issued permit is processed.
The MS security permit is valid for four years. The state public safety office employee said MS can carry ANY caliber or model handgun either open or concealed while on duty/on security post ONLY. The MS issued security permit does not qualify as a valid CCW or permit security officers or EP agents to carry concealed firearms off duty(non working hours). The permit does not apply or allow rifles, shotguns or AOWs(any other weapon). The MS employee said the office did not require or mandate any formal training or security/firearms qualifications for a valid security permit.
Out of state/non MS residents can obtain valid permits to do security but they must go directly to Jackson MS to apply.
I didn't ask if OC-chemical agents/Tasers/impact weapons had any special laws or requirements for MS but I highly doubt it. The state public safety/LE officals seem rather apathetic and unconcerned about the weapons/equipment/training standards. NOTE: these permits only apply to private security NOT PIs or investigators. They also do not apply to citizen/civilian CCW. office phone; 601-987-1212