Starting up new Aussie "Firing Line" ?Ideas please...

Big Bunny

New member
The discussion on the return to the 'FL mission statement' for all posts is an interesting development. Lucky you...

Here in opressed Oz, I have a far different problem/quest.

I was e-mailed yesterday by a fellow SSAA(=sporting shooters of Australia... the main "NRA" type body in Australia for all types firearms users and owners)member who has found that "censorship" on our 'Guest Book'is becoming intolerable.

Full e-mail address is now obligatory courtesy of the main/honorary webmaster Garry Fleetwood and if there is any query or problem - the entire posting is deleted, usually with no reason given and no appeal or discussion allowed.

As you can realise this can stagnate members postings a tad !

Recently one of our main anti-gun and most voluable opponents called John Laws(a multi-millionaire and talk-show host over all of Oz by syndication in most commercial radio stations) was again found to break the law. In the past he has been found to be involved in advertiser "payola" and twice interfering with the justice system/jurors.(last was only a mild suspended sentence for 18 months last week)! Anyone else would be jailed and/or fined and banned from all firearms for 10 years, due to being convicted of a crime -any crime.
The SSAA is so frightened of being sued or attacked by so powerful(he has federal and state political connections too) an opponent that all comments regarding the above and the "shock-jock's" own ownership of firearms and permit to carry are deleted.

My question is how to start a genuine forum where registered SSAA members can talk on anything relevant to firearms without interference of this type.

How could we set it up and get the service publicised to all our far-flung members ?

Any advice would be appreciated very much.

If we shooting sportspersons don't hang together... we will all hang separately !
Never knock another's different shooting interest or discipline...REMEMBER we are all but leaves on the same tree of freedom.