Stars & Stripes: Iraq gun ban has political overtones.

He plans to send Iraqi police throughout the province to collect weapons.
Going through a province where every household has at least one real honest-to-God AK-47 to confiscate guns. I don’t think that I’d be volunteering for that detail!
I thought Bush said we would bring democracy to Iraq. Doesn't every "real" democracy need a right to bear arms for its citizenry?
Intercept of Phone call from 1600 PA Ave, Washington D.C. to DIYALA PROVINCE, Iraq:

Caller: Yeah the is W. How you doing?

Reciever: Good, good how are you?

Caller: Good, hey that Democracy thing over there, lets try it without the pesky little guns for everyone, what we call that 2 Amendment thingy dingy. What do you say?

Reciever: Sure, sure I will send out a memo right away.

Caller: Good, good, he next time you are over this way lets go out for Tacos. Okay.

Reciever: Sound good, gotta to run the the little Iraqi Generals room now. Bye.

Just my interpertation of how much Bush is involved with the ban of the AKs in an Iraq providence. (overwhelming sarcasm in case you didnt get that)