Starr's 4 Barrel Derringer/ Help!


New member
Anyone have any info on a Starr's Pat's May 4 barrel .32 derringer...Bronze looking in mint condition that I recently received from Uncle....

Starr Arms I guess was better known for its Civil War Revolvers...This one says Pat's May 10 1864...

ALso says BKITLREDGE & Co Cin OH on it....Is this the seller/Reseller???

Any help would be greatly appreciated...


Sons of Liberty Will Ride Again!!

Repost from Revolver forum

Starr produced a "pepperbox"(rather than a Derringer) w/4 barrels. Great looking gun (pictures?) with fine finishing. tough to find comparisons since there were so few manufactured.
Flayderman says there were about 2000 Starr .32 pepperboxes made in six different models. Value from $300 to $1100 depending on model and condition (the barrels were originally silver plated.) The fifth model is much the most common. Company went out of business in 1867.
Kitridge was a major big dealer in those days.
Jim...? Question


Have tried to locate source on these 5 models of the Starrs gun.

Cannot find a you have a resource on the 5 models? A book ref...or just a quick explanation of the differences?

Not being a collector, Flayderman's Guide To Antique American Firearms is all I have to go by. It has pictures and descriptions. Unfortunately, no dimensions, so to say that Models 1-4 had a "short, fat" grip (they differ in spring placement) and Models 5 & 6 had a "long, thin" grip (Model 6 has a "longer frame") does not help much without a picture or an example.
But he says 1500 out of the 2000 were of the 5th Model.
Oh, I had the finish backwards; the brass frame was silver plated when new, the barrels were blued.
Jim Thanks

Just ordered Flayderman's from Amazon.....

I hope I got one of the good ones...Its in mint...Will report back this week.
