I live in Michigan and am thinking of purchasing my first handgun. About 6 years ago my ex and I who lived together broke up and she did not want to return some of my property to me. Having lived in the same house and I having locked myself out before I knew how to get in through a backdoor without the key and she knew this. We never had any domestic violence issues and I never entered the house after we split up but fearing I would in order to get my things back she filed for a ppo which I fought and ended up losing because the judge said if she feared me entering the house and we were broken up than there was no reason not to issue it. This was a one year ppo which expired in 2007 and was not extended. I am now engaged with a soon to be step son and an 18 month old daughter. My question is, as I understand it the law states that an order of protection must be in effect for it to be illegal for me to purchase a handgun. Am I correct in this? I would like to know before I fill out the ATF form attempting to purchase a handgun and answer no to the question.