Standard vs Automatic


New member
What do you think is better (from a self defense point of view), a standard transmission or an automatic. I've got a couple of thoughts on the issue.

1. All the cars that I've ever owned have been standards, and still once in a great while ( 1 or 2 times a year) I will stall the transmission. In a scenario where it is necessary to get away quickly stalling could be fatal. Although I can usually get moving after a stall in under a second.

2. In a carjacking where a criminal was sucessful in getting me out of my car, they might not be able to drive it.

3. A criminal might pass up trying to steal my car because they can't drive it.

4. In a situation where there are a lot of things going on, or an injury to one arm, it is difficult (not impossible) to drive a standard.

5. In a situation where your breaks fail, it is possible to slow the car down using the transmission (I've done this).

So what do you think? Standard or Automatic
Good points, but I'll stick with an automatic. The alarm system on my truck is more of a theft deterrent.

To me, the major factor is, what if I have to evade attackers? With an automatic, I have one less complex motor task to deal with in a crisis. Also, if necessary I can drive with my left hand while the Ruger is in my right.
I've stayed with my '85 model Toyota 4WD PU because of the solid front axle. (I'm in serious 4WD country far more than most folks.) As the years have gone by and the car-jacking stuff started, I've figured that having an old truck makes me much less of a target.

I've thought about this from time to time. Since I don't really like the overpriced stuff they foist off as new cars, these days, I guess I'll just stay with my "low profile".

:), Art
Average carjacker probably prefer auto over stick.

Most carjackers want sumpin nice for quick bucks.
Joyjacker nuther story.....liable to take anything at any time.

I'm like Art 91 E 360 had nearly total desert pinstriping and rock remodeling by 92. Not 4X4 so have winch mounts on both ends....for WHEN it gets stuck.

Adopted a VW diesel wabbitt.......50+ miles to the gallon and so ugly that no sober person would even think of carjacking it.

Finally parted with all my resaleable stuff. Don't need muscles or ponys anymore.

Though my daily drivers (Ram 4X4 and Saturn pos) are BOTH automatics, my toys happen to be all manuals...

the 'Cuda, the racecar, and the Jeep are all 4 speeds... and I BY FAR prefer them!

most true drivers (read: people who love to drive, and are good at it) seem to prefer an manual...

in a carjacking situation, I figure it probably doesn't matter too much...
You can accelerate faster in a manual (if you know how to drive it well), but in all honesty I think it really doesn't matter. They won't know it's a manual until they break into your car, and after they've done that, they're pretty much stuck for good, whether they can drive your car or not.
since the chances of a single individual being car jacked is pretty remote, I would not worry about what type of tranny is in the vehicle. It is a lot more important to be thinking of your surroundings constantly. I pretty much feel like Art, in that no one would want my old 1967 F-100 anyway.
I've got a bad left knee, and really hate clutches. Besides, I remember the horrid looks I got from the motor pool sgt the one time I checked out a jeep (having never driven a stick before).

So, can you drive the vehicle with one leg injured?
I can and have driven my Jeep with it's 4 speed with only 1 foot (left one injured...)

I disable the "clutch/starter lockout anyway, soo the easiest is to start it in gear, clutch engaged... then POWERSHIFT!

works quite well, and I have yet to tear out a tranny or a clutch, so it can't be that bad, if y'all know what you're doing...
After my knee ligament replacement I drove my Golf for 3 months with my right foot wedged on the accelerator and my left foot working the clutch and brake. confuse me...

that is how you DRIVE a manual... right foot on gas, left one operating the clutch... (and either one on the brakes, depending on driving style...)

left foot braking is a valid technique taught in many performance driving schools here in the US...
Left foot braking is also what you do when your clutch and brake pedals are VERY close together, and you have a big fat cast on the left foot!

And it ain't fun! Trust me on this! :D

In a carjacking, I'd rather have the automatic, myself. Empty the mag, then reload.

Oh, not THAT kind of automatic? Well, I still prefer the auto, so I can handle a weapon with one hand and drive with the other. As stated previously, by the time they start the carjacking, it's too late to make your car unattractive.