stamping on winchester 94

Yes, I spent many hours in their store in Alexandria Virginia. I recall it being 70s and 80s. I think they came into a huge stash of guns confiscated from the people of Mexico, or some such story. Some of it was really good, classic era American and European, but a lot of it suffered from poor storage and handling, lots of cosmetic defects and finish damage. They ran auctions too. Those were the days, you could get top-notch older guns for a few hundred or so, but you had to put up with scratches and wear. How old is your Winchester?
More I think about it, the store was called Collectors Armory, and I think there is still such a business, but I don't think they are gun dealers anymore. Odin probably was the original importer, and by the time I was seeing the stuff it had been picked over pretty well, but my goodness, so many Colts and Winchesters, Browning, Walther, you name it.