stainless steel rings still exist?


New member
I'm building up a wee ankle rig from a 8 3/8 stainless Raging Bull and an old stainless steel Weaver 4-power scope. What I need is a set (or pair of sets) of stainless steel rings.

Brownells has plenty of nickle plated steel and anodized aluminum, but is there a company out there still selling stainless rings?

Some stainless rings came with my Mini-14 Ranch rifle, so I assume Ruger sells them. Is that the kind of rings you had in mind?
Knew I forgot a line in my post...ah, well...Ruger is the only company I could find currently making stainless rings, and I think they use a proprietary base system.
The last silver Millett rings I installed (about 1 month ago) were very nice, but they were nickle-plated, not stainless.

The so-called "Stainless" Weaver rings have silver anodized aluminum bottom halves, with stainless top-straps. They look like crap, IMHO.

Check Millet's web site. Their rings are definitely nickel. I've also got a couple of pairs of Waren silver rings - they're nickel too. Other than Ruger we're not finding much. Can I ask why true stainless rings are so important? What ever you decide steer clear of aluminum rings, I don't think they'll hold up well to .454 recoil. -- Kernel
My customer wants to keep the all polished stainless steel look with her Raging Bull. The nickle rings are satin, the Weaver rings have that nasty lower half, and aluminum...well, aluminum is aluminum.

I may end up trying to buff a set of the nickel plated steel rings, never tried that before. Then again, I never tried to polish a stainless scope, either, and that turned out OK.

If only Taurus went with the 'matt' stainless look...sigh...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by wakal:

My customer wants to keep the all polished stainless steel look with her Raging Bull.

This must be some gal... ;)

[This message has been edited by Greg G (edited April 27, 2000).]
That's no gal, that's my wife!

...which is why I have to make it perfect...for paying customers, I can plead lack of supply.