Stainless GP-100 Cleaning/Maintenance


New member
I own a stainless steel Ruger GP-100, and I am having trouble get some portions of the gun back to its original luster.

One of the main areas that I have never been able to clean is the front of the cylinder. The discoloration can not be removed with the simple powder solvent I am using (hoppes #9). I would really like to get the revolver back to pristine order.

I know there must be somebody out here in "Gunland" who can help me.

By the way, The 3 inch Ruger really prints well. I was able to keep all 6 shots in the 9/10 ring shooting DA at 25 yards. Never thought the Ruger would be able to accomplish that hearing stuff on the Ruger on TFL. REally makes me fell better when I walking in the woods and all I have is a 6 shot wheel gun.

Thanks a bunch,
Find some Flitz cloth. Or the "pot scrubber" pads work well. If you can't find either of those, use some 0000 steel wool.
Peter, there are two good methods to get the SS bright again. One, get a "Lead-Away" cloth and cut it into small pieces. Works great on SS guns. The second (favorite) is to go to Wal-Mart and find the "GunBrite" polish. Less that five bucks a tube and works very well. I apply it with a Q-tip, let it dry and take it off with a t shirt. Works well in the bore too. Some folks use a piece of leather to remove it, but that will really brighten the stainless. I have a M64 that looks like Nickel from doing just that.


It's my personal belief that the rings around the cylinder holes are supposed to be there, and that any attempt you make to remove them only reduces the functional life of the weapon. I haven't heard of a single way to remove them that someone else hasn't said will damage the gun. All I do is scrub it with a brass brush to remove the carbon build up and don't worry about the black rings. Besides, it adds character to the gun.