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Just out of curiosity, is Staff a person, or a profile used by different members of staff? I understand if it is classified. :D
I've asked this before also.

Apperently "Staff" is some sort of changeling or shape-shifter . . . .

I just pretty much assume that "Staff" is Kodiak. "They" say it could be any admin at any time, but I think it's George.

"Staff" is starting to sound like that shape shifter in Terminator 2!
Staff has many personalities.

Staff is the embodiment of The High Road.

Staff surrounds us and binds us. (like The Force)

Staff is an extension of all the members.

Staff is man and woman, old and young.

Staff is.

Staff just is.

Staff is omnipresent and all-knowing. Staff is also a little over worked, just look at how many forums s/he has to moderate. And therefore, yes, Staff is somewhat schizo-frantic. :D
Staff spelled backwards is ffatS.

Staff usually appears when the ffatS in the fire(ingline).

Staff has a home

(Actually, serious question here. Are SWAT and TFL going to share a common site entrance? Personally, I think it would be kinda neat and efficient if they did. I hit the above by accident the other day when I was fooling around with configuring a Win2000 DNS server here at home.)

ffatS is fouled up file allocation tableS. The mysterious entity that deletes days.

Thy rod and thy Staff, they comfort me. Thy dor and thy ffatS, they,,

Really, I think it would be kinda cool if somehow you could link a .wav file of the old Crazy World of Arthur Brown song in the Staff sig. Ya know, so every time it appears it plays "I am the god of hell fire, and I bring you,," :D
Staff is, and yet Staff is not.
Staff is that which, not being, achieves highest being.

Seek not Staff, for the seekers shall not find It. In order to find Staff, you must enter the state in which seeking and not seeking are one.

Thus spake the Zensunni Master Dave lo, these many years past.
Daggonnit, I had my dinner with a member of Staff this evening and forgot the Lysol!

He also forgot his glasses and his NRA range card...

Senior moments? :D
Just remember Mike, Staff is highly contagious! I don't think Lysol will touch it.

Yes, I had a senior moment, but at least I didn't forget my Kahr! If I had only been quick thinking, it would now be my Kahr. Drat.

Seriously a great time was had by all. But the details are for another forum.