St. Louis Area Get-Together?

Dang Bogie.....your timing is poor.;)
I'm going in for back surgery Friday and will be laid up for a spell. Other wise I would love to make the trip up to St. Louie from Springfield.

Whatcha doin' in August?:D
When--this weekend? Normally I'd love to, but I'm trying to find out if the MMM is marching in Chicago, Champaign or Springfield. If they are, that's where I'll be!

I'm in. I live about 30 miles west and south of St. Louis. Where? When? I may be able to drum up some non-TFLer's. Details, man! Details!

Bear Flare
Well, this weekend is out - massive work trauma. The next weekend (05-19 & 20) is the weekend before the Supershoot, and I'll likely be on the road to Kelby's...

How does June 9 sound? I'll see if we can get out at the St. Louis Benchrest Club... Downside is no random blasting, but we do have a very nice place, with targets out to 600...
I'll mark June 9th on the calendar. How will we meet? Are you a member of Benchrest? I've been thinking about joining, but it takes me about 1.5 hours to get there from my current residence.

Nick B.
I'm a member at the STLBRC, and lemme tell you, it's worth the money, and worth the drive - I drive an hour...

Heck, just the stuff you'll learn from some of the ol' farts is worth the price of admission...

$150/year, no other fees.

20 concrete benches at 100 for rimfire, 40 concrete benches at 100 and 200, and 20 concrete benches at 100, 200, 300, and 600, with pits with pulleys at 600, along with a 20 bench handgun range and shotgun patterner - There's also a field with a few clay pigeon throwers set up...

Showers, flush toilets, and some darn nice range "shacks" for loading or shelter. Camping is available (hookups are available), and I like to go overnight.

I remember from another post of yours that you drive a "Heavily Camouflaged" S-10 pickup, yes? I may try to round up a few buddies to do this on the 9th... I'll probably know about a week prior.

I'll be there. I've never even tried to see a target at more than a hundred yards, but what the heck. Don't forget the handguns.