''sshh im huntin grouse''


hey guy,s checking in after alittle grouse hunting this weekend
my first time solely targeting grouse although i have shot lots of birds
i have only done alittle food bird hunting some pheasant a couple of
grouse on the odd passing.there very tasty.I am using a 410 22lr
over/under works real good i have two rounds to choose from for
any given shot.the first ones we saw were right after geting on the gravel
road and we had not yet pulled over and readied the long guns
so there they are two fat grouse and me and my brand new to me
22lr 8shot revolver and i missed four times and then the cylinder
stopped advancing,so no more shooting at game with un tested guns
i only took it to try it out on an old stump or something.the old
stevans on the other hand works perfectly all the time i love
that litle gun