
Good Morning,

I have been searching everywhere for a IWB holster for a Ruger SR9c. Is there a company, or an individual, that makes a holster "specific" to this model? I know there a many suggestions for "it fits my this and that so it should fit yours"...granted, I appreciate the information, however I want a holster designed for the SR9c.

Thank you in advance. Be well, be safe.


I need to make a clarification on my post. I am looking for a IWB "tuckable" holster for my SR9c.
Thanks again
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I would look into

Theiss holsters.

He makes a cross-breed style holster (pretty much the same shape) for much less, and you choose your model, choose the kind of clips you want, plus any special instructions you have for him (more cant? less canted? lights? lasers?) I have a plain cowhide for M&P40c and boy it is comfortable. The holster is designed for behind the hip and it feels NICE. I think I should have gotten the horse-hide just to try it once in my life since it's not that much more from him (strange compared to other makers). I'm very happy with my cowhide. He's always communicated quickly with me by email and the lifetime warranty is a plus to me. I ordered one and about a week later there it was in the mail. I'd never had hand-crafted gear before - only mass produced but at this price and quality I don't have any regrets. (55 bucks shipped!)

I checked for you - yes he makes one for the SR9c.

for full disclosure, the competition includes: shielded holsters, crossbreed supertuck, comp-tac minotaur, Kholster

Mass produced: galco king tuck

personally I was stuck between shielded holsters, Theiss, and the galco king tuck. I wanted to try the shape of the Theiss as it more closely resembles the Cross-breed which many use as a standard for comparison.

I noticed the clips of the Shielded holster were closer together which may or may not help scooting the weapon towards 3 oclock. I was concerned with the the flap behind the slide which seems relative unsupported in the "combat cut" configuration and didn't know if it would have the tendency to flop down with the weapon inserted.

Galco King Tuck some had retention problems and needed to adjust with hair dryer. Also wasn't too sure if cant could be user adjusted for as I didn't read about it. And if I remember correctly from pictures - if two rivets were anchoring each clip down it would mean the clip was not able to rotate left/right if it needed to.

God bless.
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