Squirrels and a Fox


New member
After an extra-long spring/summer, fall is here and it's hunting season. A friend and I hit the woods Fri-Sunday for the general bear season to see if we could call in a bear. Went to an area I had never been and while we didn't find much bear sign, we did get into some fox. We only shot one but called in 4, I'd like to get back out in December for some good fox pelts. We also called in a coyote (that I missed) and a small bull elk. My buddy called and killed his first fox:

We both forgot camera's so we were reduced to cell phone pics. It was a fun 3 days, no bear but we called enough animals to make it a great hunt.

We came back early-ish on Monday morning and since squirrel season opened as well and I had the day off of work, my wife and I loaded up the kids and dogs and headed out for some tree squirrel hunting. I love squirrel hunting. They are fun to shoot and fun to eat. Squirrel is one of my favorite meals. Historically, my wife likes to come but doesn't really care to shoot them. This year though she has a hunting license and I told her it would be good practice for her upcoming deer hunt so she was agreeable to shooting a few. In just a few hours we managed to BOTH shoot out limits (5 ea). She got one with the 22 and the rest with a 410 shotgun. I don't like shooting them with shotguns but the road we hunt borders 2 hunting units and one is a shotgun-only unit. Anyway it was a good day, here's a few pics:

Interesting !!!

I find your post, interesting. When I first saw your fox, I thought it was an Eastern Grey and then looked at the Squirrels and have to admit that I have never seen one like these. What do Y'all call them? In this neck of the woods, we have Fox, Greys, Blacks and an occasional Red. Oh yes, sometimes an Albino. Looks like Y'all found a good spot. .... ;)

Nice work and;
Be Safe !!!