Squirrel Skinning/Cleaning Picture Links?

I take a pair of sidecutters, cut off the feet and tail. Cut the head off with a knife make a cut about an inch long across the back then start pulling in opposite directions on the cut until you pull his skin completely off.

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We just got back from hunting. We shot 5 squirrels, and two snowshoes. The way 41mag describes is the easiest, for just the meat, but I've been keeping the skins, so it's a bit harder.
Ok, I must ask, because I may shoot one some day: how does it taste?

Isn't a squirrel just a fancied-up rat?

"Anyone feel like saluting the flag which the strutting ATF and FBI gleefully raised over the smoldering crematorium of Waco, back in April of ‘93?" -Vin Suprynowicz

[This message has been edited by deanf (edited October 31, 2000).]
It tastes like chicken! Really. Sort of like rabbit, which tastes like...well, chicken.

[This message has been edited by patrickt66 (edited October 31, 2000).]
Dean, a common expression around here is "tree rat". They are rodents, but their diets is much cleaner.

FWIW, I find the meat dark and well suited to a crock pot and a can of french onion soup. Or you can put in some wine, onions and soy souce. Or Cream of Mushroom soup... Or.... Heck I'm hungry !! :-)

Dean - I'm lazy and like my meat tender. Pop stuff in the crock pot, fire it up, go to work, dinner's ready when you get home. Being a single guy, I like simple..

If it isn't the crock pot, it's the George Foreman grill...

If you aren't making the neighbors nervously checking the distance to the nearest fire hydrant, you aren't cooking! ;)
I like my squirrels char-burnt, with garlic :) That's the way I had them the first few times, and it just kinda strikes me as how a squirrel should taste now. We used to shoot them with wrist-rockets or BB guns while camping, and garlic salt and pepper was usually the only spices we had, to cook fish with.

The meat usually has a piney taste to it, or at least red-squirrels do. They are somewhat "wild" but I like them none the less :D
Red squirrels really aren't worth shooting for the meat. All de-boned, they have maybe 3 good bites of meat, I could stuff it all in one mouth full. I usually just shoot them cuz...well, that's what I do, and then eating them cuz, well, I killed it.

[This message has been edited by BadMedicine (edited November 01, 2000).]