Squirrel Hunt - New Rifle Test Run


New member
I picked up a little Mossberg 715t flat top. I was back and forth between some of the other .22 autos but just couldn't put the $$ down for the more expensive ones. I opted to go w/ the Mossberg and from the first trip to the range I've been very pleased. When reading reviews, I got a complete mix of opinions. I am pleased with mine, it seems to really like the CCI .22 ammo that I run through it. I got it dialed in and dead on at 40 yards and couldn't wait to try it out on a few squirrels.
Saturday morning was a foggy morning, so I opted to get some work done with a treestand and preparation for bow season. I wore my orange vest and took my .22 along anyhow. After the work was done I managed to get 2 squirrels before the wind picked up. Both were good head shots and I made squirrel gravy over biscuits the next morning!

I am thrilled with this rifle. Very accurate, easy to carry, and just plain FUN!
May that good looking rifle continue to bring you the enjoyment of much more squirrel gravy.

Congrats and good shooting!
Many thanks for posting !!!

You mean you can actually use an Assault Weapon, for hunting?? .... :eek:

Thanks and;
Be Safe !!!
You mean you can actually use an Assault Weapon, for hunting?? ....

^ HHaaha, yeah I have had a few of my friends ribbing me about this, too. It's all in how the media spins it, as we know.
Now, everyone knows that the only reason you got 2 squirrels is because of the pistol grip, muzzle device, and shoulder thing that goes up.
I like that flash hider on the end of the barrel, that way the other squirrels can't see which direction the bullets are coming from. :D
I want to hear about the squirrel gravy and Biscuits! Man that sounds good, and I didn't eat breakfast this morning!:D
pretty woods you got there. I love squirell hunting too. Sometimes I'll sit on my front porch and will kill 8-10 while drinking my coffee. We have mostly grays here now. Which is fine theyre better eating than the reds anyhow. They just wont lay there to be shot at though. Here is East Texas