square butt vs round butt on grips?


New member
Is there any particular reason for choosing one grip style over another or is it just a matter of personal preference?
from a visual standpoint I much perfer the round butt. I am interested to see what other will say on how the models differ in recoil and accuracy
I presume you are talking K, L, and N Frame Guns.

If you conceal carry, a round butt with a compact grip does not print as badly as a square butt. It will also be more compact.

If your gun has a round butt grip frame you can use either a Round Butt Grip, or a Round to Square Conversion Grip. You cannot go from Square Grip Frame to Round without a Gunsmith altering your grip frame. Not recommended on anything that might ever have collectors value.

I have an assortment of both Round & Square butt guns.
I like round butt compact finger groove grips for my concealed carry guns.

I tend to like Square Butt grips more for my larger 4" barrel Range & Field Carry guns. I prefer Square Butt for heavy recoiling guns also.

I prefer the looks of the square grip frame. Especially on k frames with barrels more than 3 or 4 inches.
As Viper225 said, round butts conceal much more easily - at least if one isn't wearing winter weight shirts or relatively structured jackets.

I don't have an aesthetic preference.

I have revolvers with both types; the square butts are on target guns.
I also have both types. I agree round butts are better for concealment but, to me, square butts are better for shooting. As Viper225 mentioned, you can get stocks that essentially convert a round butt to a square butt. Someone can correct me on this, but I'm guessing those will not emulate the smaller magna-style grips but come closer to the target style grips.
"Someone can correct me on this, but I'm guessing those will not emulate the smaller magna-style grips but come closer to the target style grips."

Yes the RB to SQ conversions are to a target grip. Here is a set of Altamont's on a Rond Butt SW Model 19 snubby.

Sorry I didn't answer the OP's original question. I prefer RB on snubbies and J frames and some K frames for carry and for looks. I have targets on all my N frames and some of my K frames. Personal preference to me.
Is there any particular reason for choosing one grip style over another or is it just a matter of personal preference?

The round butts definitely are easier to conceal and are what I prefer on a snub or a 3" barrel. The square butts fill my hand better and are what I prefer for a service type (4") revolver. Either way, I like a t-grip on any of them.
Round butt for concealment purposes but I think they look terrible. Square butt, too me, is exactly how a revolver should look.
Just a matter of personal preference. I like the round butt grips but know others swear by the square butt.
Having small hands, I find the the most of the extra surface that a square butt S&W has, does not come into contact with my hand anyway. So it is round butts for me.
Thanks for the replies. Based on the suggestions, I think a square butt would fit my needs better--I don't have plans to conceal and I have long fingers.

But since I can get square grips for a round butt frame, I think I'll go with the round frame, so I have both options.
Which ever grip works best for you and your style of shooting. Better yet get a blank and whittle one out that fits you. As my architect friends say "form follows function"
For a long time, I carried a Chiefs Special (pre-Model 36) with a steel square butt (not the wood filler type) and liked it for the extra weight and better grip. Of course, as a LEO, I was not really that concerned about "printing", although I always tried to keep the gun concealed.

I like the square butt revolver grips for heavy magnum caliber revolvers, especially for long range shooting. I prefer muzzle heavy revolvers and the square butt helps me balance the weight up front by getting the heel of my hand on the grip.

Incidentally, here is a Smith Model 625 in .45 ACP that came with a round butt. I made these grips from walnut to convert to square butt.


I had hoped to find a donor Model 29 and rebore it to .45 S&W and fit this full lug barrel to it, but never got the act together. I had experimented with the .45 S & W long before it was resurrected, cutting off .45 Colt brass and using the Hornady 230gr. Flat Point FMJ bulletts.

Bob Wright