Square butt or round butt


New member
In an effort to once again expose my ignorance, I ask the question, "How do I tell if my 686 and 681 are round or square butt? Do I have to take off the grips?" :o Thanks, Jay
If they are used guns you just might have to.Most of my round butts I have taken the round grips off and converted to Square.But don't think you can go square to round butt.If they are original should be able to tell just by looking at them :)
Take off the grips. If the gripframe comes to a pointy-angle at the back, it's a square-butt. If it's rounded off, it's a round-butt. (Go to a gun store and ask to have the difference pointed out to you in a couple of in-stock revos if you still can't figure it out.)

Your 686 and 681 are probably square-butts.
Here is what the frame will look like with the stocks (grips) taken off:
