Square Bore Gun...


Staff In Memoriam
I am engaged in a discussion and I mentioned the square bore gun thought to be too immoral and unethical to use on christians... Any links to the threads is all I need...

There was one illustrated in the Gun Digest of around 1959 or 1960, which I think was the one with the new S&W .22 Jet on the cover. Cartridges are hard to come by these days.
"Puckle demonstrated two versions of the basic design: one, intended for use against Christian enemies, fired conventional round bullets, while the second variant, designed to be used against the Muslim Turks, fired square bullets, which were considered to be more damaging and would, according to the patent, convince the Turks of the 'benefits of Christian civilization' . "

Puckle sounds like my kinda guy ! :p
