Spyderco Knives Opinions?


New member
Hey guys bought a Spyderco Endura today. What is the opinion here of these knives? I think they are of good quality for their price. I don't know much about knives,but have never heard anything bad about Spyderco Knives.
I have a Spyderco Delica Clipit and like it.. I am going to a Gun/Knife show tomorrow and hopefully they will have some Spydrerco's I plan on picking up another one... But I think they are good quality.
I would agree that the Spides are good quality for the money.

When you get in to the upper price range (i.e. The Military) there are others I prefer more.
Spyderco has the coolest one-handed opening mechanism by a long shot with their (patented) thumbhole. It sounds like a dumb idea, but their extra thick blades make it a real winner.

I personally prefer the shorter Delica model. It's less likely to draw attention. Until I open it, that is ;)
I have never been a fan of Spiderco knives. I prefer Benchmade for production knives, especially the Axis folders.
I like the all metal Spydercos, never owned one with a plastic handle and never will.

They are great for one handed use and the serrated blades stay sharp and get the job done.

Hey all,

I have always been a big fan of Spyderco knives; I own several and one of the three knives I carry daily is a Spyderco. Look for the quality of Spyderco knives to increase even more, since Benchmade just acquired the company. Benchmade is my primary knife, so this is really the best of both worlds.


Could you please direct me to where you heard that Benchmade acquired Spyderco? I have not heard such a rumor before.


I really like Spyderco's knives. My favorite is the lightweight Delica. Very easy to carry, non-threatening, plenty of cutting power, and it's legal anywhere you can carry a knife. Spyderco's quality control is also perhaps the best in the business amongst factory produced knives. Far better than Benchmade's in my personal experience.
I work at a Gander Mountain, and the guy in charge of ordering knives told me that the Spyderco catalog had a benchmade logo on it, and said something about their new ownership.

Spydercos are great using knives. I carry and use (among others) a Calypso Jr. Lightweight everyday. Their quality is very good and just as importantly consistant. There are other brands I like just as much or better but if a Spydie fits a niche for you don`t hesitate to buy it. Check out http://www.bladeforums.com and it`s Spyderco Forum for more info. Marcus
Spyderco makes a great knife, super sharp out of the box. The Endura and Delica models are great knives for the money.
Benchmade quality is spotty at times, lots of reports of dull knives, blades chipping from poor heat treats, uneven grinds etc. I like Benchmade alot, but they have problems and for the money that one spends on a Benchmade knife, you should not have to spend time trying to detect flaws in it, that should be done before it ever leaves the factory. Spyderco's QC is top notch.

Parke1, Benchmade DOES NOT (for emphasis) have anything to do with ownership of Spyderco. If you have any question of that, go over to http://www.bladeforums.com and go to the Spyderco Knives forum under makers and manufacturers.
I've been carrying "Spydies" for a long time...I love 'em!!! I never leave home without at least ONE handgun, at least ONE flashlight and at least ONE Spyderco knive...better to be safe than...well...you know!!! I prefer the synthetic-handled Delica for everyday carry, tho' I've got several others...if I thought I would need to defend myself with a CONCEALABLE knive, the Endura would get the nod...my two cents' worth....mikey357
I've had a couple; always got them at a good price. Gotta love how they open. I've noticed that cops back East seem to look at me funnier when they see the clip hanging out of my right front pocket.

My endura's clip eventually broke, so I gave it to a little brother who didn't care. I really liked the knife, thought. I use my harpy a lot gardening. Had a couple of others, but I don't remember what they were or what happened to them.

I use the serrated blades pretty hard (tho I don't do anything abusive), so I suppose I'm not too disappointed that the serrations seem to wear down. I have to say, though, that the Spyderco blades seem to wear down faster than those of any other knives I've owned.

On the other hand, they're so useful and suited for work, I might just be using them a ton more. I'd buy more at the right price.
I've owned a Calypso Jr. with micarta handle for the past several years. I've tried others, but keep going back to the Calypso Jr. The 2 on my Christmas list are a carbon-fiber Dragonfly with plain blade and a Zowada collaboration with plain blade.

I haven't had the best luck with Benchmade. Went through 3 at a show until I found one without excessive sideways blade play and with an actual edge on it. Haven't tried any lately though, so hopefully they've gotten things together. They do have some nice designs though.
I'll default to experts on this one but I know that Greg Hamilton of Insights Training favors the Delica and Gabe Suarez likes the Chinook. I personally carry the Delica because it's small enough to carry on planes and not so big that it catches attention.