Sprint corporate support for anti-gun groups?

Jeff Thomas

New member
Friends, I have recently contacted a Sprint rep who is the national account rep for my company. I made clear to him my question was personal (re: my personal 'buying' decisions), but I told him I wanted to know what charitable groups Sprint supports, and specifically why they supported the defeat of Missouri's CCW law. He has been acting pretty confused ever since.

I eventually emailed to him the Missouri web site address indicating Sprint's PAC supported the defeat of that CCW proposition - to the tune of $25K, reportedly. Does anyone know of any other sources or instances regarding Sprint's 'egregious' behavior?

Note, I don't expect my question to have a significant impact on them, even assuming the reports are correct. However, I do want them to realize from time to time that people are noticing their support for destruction of a very important civil right.

Thanks. Regards from AZ.
Jeff, your point is well taken. As I recall, it is illegal for corporations to provide direct political contributions.

However, from a standpoint of doing business with Sprint, for me it is a distinction without a difference. I want to put some heat on the guy so he / they realize this kind of support is considered unethical and 'unAmerican' to many of us.
I think MCI is in the same bed. They called up wanting me to switch. I aksed the guy what pro-gun organizations do they support. Dead Silence (they don't have a page of answers for that one [g]). Finally he gave me a number to call, then started on his pitch. I told him no dice until I learned where some of my money went. Hopefully I got him to think a bit.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.

Some Sprint employees in the mid-Atlantic region HQ participated in a drive to collect shoes "for the homeless". This was about 6 years ago.

They unfortunately let it slip that the shoes would be given to an organization that tries to "prevent violence to children"...the shoes were used to make a statement about how
many "children" are killed by "gun violence".

(I later saw the shoes on the White House lawn, on the news, with the usual HCI-trained shills there to push for more gun control. :( )

When they told several of us that we would be helping, my responce was "The hell you say". Youd have thought I sprouted another head from the way they looked at me, while I explained why I would not be compelled to assist them. They left me alone...and I soon transferred to another part of the company, by my own choice (made good my escape :) )

They dont push it, normally...makes me wonder just where the ideas come from. The Sprint HQ is in Kansas City, Kansas. Seems fashionable among the "elite" there to push gun control.

Maybe we should all write to Bill Esry...hes the head cheese up there at Sprint.
I was with MCI long distance for about 15 years. Last month I switched to our local telephone company for long distance. The rates are about the same, but the local phone company gives to local charities (churches, Fire Dept, EMS, etc.) and NOTHING to national organizations of any kind.

I told MCI that I quit because I read on the Internet that they support gun control. The lady got nervous and I told her to stay calm, I wasn't upset with her - only the company she represents.

She replied that the reason she was nervous was, if her husband thought MCI supported gun control he would make her quit her job.

Some days, you get a warm fuzzy completely by chance. :)
Dennis... :)
Feels GOOD don't it?

"Supreme authority derives from a mandate from the masses. Not from some farsicle aquatic ceremony."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
You bet! :D

But the good feeling is fading.
My wife and I need new cell phones and the only service around here that serves the area we need is AT&T (ACK!) or Southwestern Bell.

AT&T has a better service area, cheaper rates and cheaper phones! (groan)

But we're still trying to wring out a workable deal with SW Bell.

We've been in contact with representatives of both services. Both these guys want the commission so we're working one against the other. Only time will tell (sigh).
Don't leave good ole Southwestern Bell out of the anti 2nd list. They gave a bundle to the antis in Missouri. I can't leave'em yet but as soon as I have a choice (soon I think) they're history - with a departing note as to why.