Springfield xd subcompact 9 slide assist


Hey guys,gals

I recently purchased a Springfield Xd-s (subcompact) 9mm.

My wife also enjoys coming to the range with me but is having issues "racking the slide"
In the past I've have a "tacrack" for the glock
I am trying to find something similar for the sub compact xd. (I have seen options for the full size and M variants)

Any help appreciated
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I second the recommendation of the way The Cornered Cat suggests to use the push-pull method. I don't have the grip strength to pull the slide back by pulling it by the end, but I find gripping the top of the slide with my weak hand and pushing my hands towards each other to work well.

Thanks guys. I had her try the push pull idea it helps a bit.
Will keep my eyes peeled for an alternative and link it here.
Folks who try the two handed push pull method without success are usually doing it wrong.
The trick is to get the chest, shoulders and upper arms involved, not just the hands and wrists.
Have her try it again with the stronger parts doing the work.
Betcha' it works.
If not I do occasionally give refunds.
Like g.willikers says. She should be using her hands for grip, but biceps for strength to rack the slide. Depending on arm strength you may need to hold it close to your body, but then you need to be careful of the muzzle direction. I'm strong enough that I just need the overhand grip, otherwise I can hold the gun perpendicular to my body when facing down range. It helps if you do it in one burst of strength and not slowly.

If your wife ever plans to carry, The Cornered Cat is a good resource. She might also want to have a look at these videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/limalife