Springfield ???'s


New member
Recently received an 03A3 from the CMP that I won through the lottery. Since I neither have the knowledge or, for that matter, a book about the Springfield, I am in hopes that someone can either answer some questions or at least point me in the right direction.
It is a Remington.
Action reads:
Model 03-A3

Top of Barrel:
Flaming Bomb

Underside of Barrel:

Left side of Stock:
Crossed Cannons w/Circle, FJA, and OG, both in boxes

Underside of stock, directly behind Triggerguard:
Circle P

Any explaination of the stamps on the barrel and stock will be greatly appreciated.

Chris, Hold on a while, I'm sure someone is doing a lookup for you. Sounds like you have an intact wartime rifle to me. If there is no response PDQ I will pull out Col. Brophy's book and give her a look.
Thanks Hank! I have yet to purchase a book with info on the Springfield. I think my next order to Brownell's will include "The Springfield 1903 Rilfe". Altough a bit pricey, I'm sure well worth the investment.

OK since no one else has answered, I'll take a stab at this.

The Barrel: RA=Remington Arms, Flaming bomb=U.S. Ordnance mark, 9-43=Date BARREL was made, not necessarly the action.
Underside of barrel, P=proof mark.

Side of stock: Crossed cannons in box with FJA=Gov't acceptance mark. OG in box=Not sure, but maybe rebuild mark.

Underside of stock P in circle=proof mark. (Found on most
M-1 rifles and carbines).
Proof marks and sn

Remington Mfr. 1903A3-between 21 May '42-and the end of the war. The low 4 million range I would guess make it a mid-war mfr.

RA is Remington Arms stamp.
Flaming bomb is the ordnance proof.
9-43 is the date of mfr. of the bbl assuming that is the original barrel for that weapon I would assume that the recievers' age is w/in about 3 months either dir. of the barrels'
P on the underside is the ordnance proof of test firing. can mean original or arsenal rebuild.

Crossed cannons: Ordnance escutcheon common final acceptance mark.
FJA in box: Col. Frank J. Atwood Army Ordnance inspector for Remington arms amongst others.
OG in box: Rebuild code for Ogden Arsenal, Ogden Utah.
P in circle: A final acceptance proof mark for the gun.