Springfield ro elite operator any good?

What's the point in feedback when you already bought it lol. Get out there and shoot it and find out for yourself, have fun! I have an original Range Officer before they added the Elites and I've been happy with it.

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Exactly. you're supposed to get opinions on things you're too lazy to research yourself BEFORE you buy it. I rented one, I thought it was a good gun
Lol, I told you to have fun. You just got a new firearm. My hope is that alone would be excitement enough without congratulations. But if you want them, then congrats! Let us know how you like it after you get a chance to shoot it.

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A lot of people like reassurances when they make a major purchase. You can read about it on a lot of online sites about marketing. For example:
Marketing is all about keeping the customer happy at every stage of the decision-making process, including postpurchase. It is normal for consumers to experience some postpurchase anxiety after any significant or nonroutine purchase. This anxiety reflects a phenomenon called cognitive dissonance. According to this theory, people strive for consistency among their cognitions (knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and values). When there are inconsistencies, dissonance arises, which people try to eliminate....

Marketers may take specific steps to reduce postpurchase dissonance. One obvious way is to help ensure delivery of a quality solution that will satisfy customers. Another step is to develop advertising and new-customer communications that stress the many positive attributes or confirm the popularity of the product. Providing personal reinforcement has proven effective with big-ticket items such as automobiles and major appliances. Salespeople in these areas may send cards or even make personal calls in order to reassure customers about their purchase.

To the OP: I don't own that specific pistol but Springfield has an excellent reputation for making 1911s and the Range Officer series is a proven line of pistols.
Congratulations! I don't own that pistol, either, but I do have a Springfield Armory 1911 that has been excellent through the years. Let us know how she shoots.
I always like to recommend the Springfield Range Officer because it's got the stuff I like, (above average accuracy, adjustable sights, good customer service) and doesn't have a bunch of extras that I don't want to pay for.

Good luck with your purchase, looking forward to a range report.
I just bought this gun. It's my most expensive gun purchase to date. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanx
It's going to be awful..uncomfortable, unreliable, hard to service, poor QC and customer service..

tick, tick, tick...KIDDING..go shoot the thing and give us a range report!!

Range report---took my 16 yo daughter to break my new pistol in!! We shot 250 rounds of various brands-- Winchester, Remington, federal, and some old hollow points I had laying around. Only one malfunction, otherwise flawless! The trigger very crisp and light and accurate as well. I am very happy with this gun as it is my 3rd try with "old slab-sides". My first was a ruger sr1911 cmdr that choked on every mag--sold it
My 2nd was a ria gi that I just couldn't love--sold it
So all in all today was a great day hanging out with my daughter and shooting my new 1911! It was great to see her smile ear to ear when she shot out the 10x bullseye!! "Dad, I like this new gun!" ME TOO I said.
So here we are with my new 1911--I think I will keep this one.